Pantalla :
Dopo aver esposto nel “Libro degli Spiriti” la parte filosofica della dottrina spiritica, Allan Kardec ne enuncia in questo volume la parte pratica. Il suo sottotitolo è infatti: Guida dei Medium e degli...
Quest'opera è un ulteriore passo avanti nelle conseguenze e nelle applicazioni dello Spiritismo, e rappresenta il complemento delle precedenti, oltre che una conferma di tutta la dottrina spiritualista....
"Noi viviamo, pensiamo, agiamo: questo è certo; noi moriamo, e ciò non è meno certo. Ma quando lasciamo la terra, dove andiamo? Che cosa diventiamo? Staremo meglio o staremo peggio? Saremo o non saremo?...
In quest'opera unica, Allan Kardec, il fondatore dello spiritismo, ha raccolto e coordinato la dottrina spiritica, quale a lui e altri medium fu dettata dagli stessi spiriti. Il libro contiene oltre 1.000...
L'opera, attribuita al Kardec e pubblicata postuma è una scelta di articoli, studi e commenti tratti dalla "Revue Spirite" e riuniti per argomento: guarigioni, visioni, manifestazioni fisiche. I temi...
‘AMAZING’ Marian Keyes I disappeared on a Tuesday afternoon. I was there one minute and the next I was gone. They’ve never found my body… It’s six...
The body of a fifteen-year-old boy is discovered ten years after he disappeared. Dennis Lewis's remains are bound with rope in a makeshift grave in a farmer's field near Maryport, Cumbria.Community Sergeant...
The Lake District Trilogy part three. (350 pages).A man is arrested at a house in Carlisle, Cumbria, after a witness reports an assault on a young teenage girl. The evidence is incontestable, the trial...
A body in a lake. An uncooperative priest. A church disciplinary hearing, a court of canon law.At dawn on a July morning, the body of a Roman Catholic priest, Duncan Aster, is found in the shallows of...
A Série Universitária foi desenvolvida pelo Senac São Paulo com o intuito de preparar profissionais para o mercado de trabalho. Os títulos abrangem diversas áreas, abordando desde conhecimentos teóricos...
Xanpan is…a cross between XP and Kanban… is an example of a roll-your-own method… is distilled from Allan Kelly's own experiences running development teams and then helping multiple teams adopt Agile...
At the height of the "Golden Age of Sail" in the early 1900s, New England shipbuilders fiercely competed to design and construct the world's largest sailing ships to carry massive amounts of coal and...
O Evangelho de Jesus Cristo foi levado ao mundo por meio de seus discípulos, logo após o desencarne do Mestre na cruz. Mas o Evangelho de Cristo foi, muitas vezes, alterado e deturpado através de inúmeras...
Master the art of persuasion with Effortless Persuasion by Allan Smith. This comprehensive guide offers a step-by-step approach to using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques for improving your...
"This is an absolutely brilliant book. If you really wants to learn more regarding OKRs in Agile and other important stuff related to it you must read this book. It's truly a master piece." "Super easy...
(Second Edition-mid 2023) WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for websites, with or without blogs. WordPress is getting better all the time. But thanks to its popularity, WordPress is also...
Quelles sont les poses les plus adaptées à des photos de nu fortes et sensuelles ? Comment concevoir un éclairage qui souligne les courbes harmonieuses d’un corps, dessine des ombres profondes ou renforce...
"I'd highly recommend this book for those who are starting an agile or lean transformation, so as to avoid bad starts and the related frustration." Amazon Review - DLed"The information is very useful...
A non-fiction author's how-to guide to writing, publishing and marketing you own books. "I can honestly say that without Allan's advice I would never have published my book" David Daly, author *Better...
The Calm Book is a friendly and engaging picture book to help young children understand their feelings using simple science. Featuring mindfulness tips, breathing exercises and calming craft activities...
Searching for your first graduate job is an exciting time, but can often leave you feeling lost and frustrated. So here's a secret—it's not all about you! Getting a job interview is also about your employer....
Blackhawk. A wanderer, a man running from a dark and sinister past. A genetically-engineered warrior, and a capable and accomplished killer, he is also a lost soul, a man who has fled to the deepest...
"Well written, great characters, terrific story, it all seems so plausible, sort of, maybe." - Reader review"A love affair between two of the protagonists leaves one of them in distress, and I found myself...
Le ciel et l'enfer, ou la justice divine selon le spiritisme, écrit par Allan Kardec, contient, entre autres, l'examen comparé des doctrines sur le passage de la vie corporelle à la vie spirituelle, les...
This book is a call for valiant men to rebuild the moral walls in their hearts, to renew the thought patterns in their minds, and to take responsibility for the emotional and spiritual health of their...
Nearly a century ago, the Tonopah Mine in Tonopah, Pennsylvania was shut down, sealed off by the government and abandoned after a series of unexplained disappearances deep beneath the earth's surface....
powieść, z tłem rozkwitającegoromansu, to naprawdę dobra książka; coś, co idealnie pasuje do płonącego kominka i mrocznych, zimowych wieczorów. Tempo opowieści jest wartkie, a całość trzyma w napięciu....
Szkocka mgła: Tajemnica Dottie Manderson tom trzeci: nowela Po pogrzebie swojej przyjaciółki i mentorki, Pani Carmichael, Dottie Manderson otrzymuje misję odnalezienia zaginionego syna zmarłej kobiety...
This book makes no pretence to be a guide to all the mythologies, or to all the religious practices which have prevailed in the world. It is intended to aid the student who desires to obtain a general...
Life comes in a variety of shapes, tastes, and colors – usually not of our own choice. The Dark Side will take you on a journey to the most private corners of your mind. It will make you smile, cry, or...
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