Pantalla :
E. A. Poe's short story follows Prince Prospero and his friends' futile attempt to outrun and outsmart a deadly plague, called the Red Death. The heart of the story is presented as a masquerade where...
Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Scheherazade had not ceased with her tales and told the king another story that is actually a retelling of a previous story, but with an unexpected twist?...
"The Cask of Amontillado" is a classic revenge story where an insulted man, Montresor, exacts his vengeance upon the drunk Fortunato. Just like "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Black Cat", Poe offers the...
Inspired by the developments in cryptography and the gradually emerging detective fiction, "The Gold-Bug" surely got mixed critical reception from the public. Hailed as both "ingenious" and "trashy",...
Embarking upon a journey to discover the limits of one's sanity and guilty conscience, "The Black Cat" is a perfect example of how no bad deed goes unpunished. Obsessively dark and violent, the story...
What would you get if you take Lewis Carroll's fairy-tale imagination and filter it through Edgar Allan Poe's terror-ridden and grotesque vision? Add a tint of humour and a pinch of satire and voilà –...
From the mysterious marriage in "Morella", to the satirical and secretive vistas of "The Man That Was Used Up", or the depressed Roderick Usher, the reader is facing the first volume of E. A. Poe's tales....
A representative of Poe's tales of the sea, "Ms. Found in a Bottle" follows the writer's infatuation with the horrific and unknown forces around us. An avid reader just like his creator, the narrator...
Poe's symptomatic need to portray dying or already dead women is evocative of his own failed and miserably spent marriage life to his young cousin. "Morella", in a way similar to "Ligeia", explores man's...
A classic detective short story shrouded in mystery, "Marie Rogêt" features Poe's famour investigator C. Auguste Dupin trying to solve a murder case. Based upon an actual murder, the short story is an...
Inspired by Poe's own tragic life, the short story clearly presages Freud's method of psychoanalysis. In a very Fight-club-like plot and situations, "William Wilson" is a journey within the mind. Some...
Teeming with melancholy and vampirism, verging on the sanity's uttermost rim, Poe's characters often fall victims to supernatural happenings. Men wishing for their wife's deaths, doppelgangers and hollow...
An example of Poe's mystery-laden and dream-oriented short stories, "A Tale of the Rugged Mountains" offers unique perspective on important notions at the time – mesmerism, alternative medicine, and time-travel....
C. Auguste Dupin, the amateur detective from "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" and "The Mystery of Marie Roget" returns for the last time to solve a mystery involving a stolen letter, some blackmail, and...
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
Edgar Allan Poe Erzählungen: Der Rabe ..7 König Pest 14 Das Manuskript in der Flasche 28 Das System des Dr. Teer und Prof. Feder 41 Seltsame Geschichten 64 - Der Goldkäfer...
In queste pagine proverete il brivido tipico della lettura del Poe più ispirato. Non soltanto per la storia, assolutamente singolare, del conflittuale rapporto tra un uomo e il suo animale domestico preferito,...
Edgar Allan Poe (* 19. Januar 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA; † 7. Oktober 1849 in Baltimore, Maryland) war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller. Er prägte entscheidend die Genres der Kriminalliteratur,...
Ein Doppelmord....ein Untersuchung...und eine seltsame Geschichte.
During the last few years every incident in the life of Edgar Poe has been subjected to microscopic investigation. The result has not been altogether satisfactory. On the one hand, envy and prejudice...
Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires est un recueil de 23 nouvelles écrites par Edgar Allan Poe traduites et réunies sous ce titre par Charles Baudelaire en 1857. Dont les célèbres nouvelles "Le Portrait...
Questa edizione contiene tre fra le più celebri narrazioni di Edgar Allan Poe. Morella è un inquietante e intenso brivido; il famosissimo La caduta della casa Usher è un racconto “gotico”: fratello e...
Edgar Allan Poe, born Edgar Poe was an American writer, poet, literary critic, journalist, editor and essayist. Considered one of the greatest and most influential US writers in history, Poe was the initiator...
Poet and writer of tales, was born at Boston, where his parents, who were both actors, were temporarily living. He was left an orphan in early childhood in destitute circumstances, but was adopted by...
"The Purloined Letter" is a short story by American author Edgar Allan Poe. It is the third of his three detective stories featuring the fictional C. Auguste Dupin, the other two being "The Murders in...
Best of Edgar Allan Poe Meistererzählungen Band 42: Die denkwürdigen Erlebnisse des Artur Gordon Pym. Der einzige Roman Edgar Allan Poes. Der Erzähler beschreibt darin das Leben des Arthur Gordon Pym...
Best of Edgar Allan Poe Meistererzählungen Band 44: Das unvergleichliche Abenteuer eines gewissen Hans Pfaall. Die Reise des Hans Pfaall mit einem Heißluftballon zum Mond. Eine der ersten Science-Fiction-Geschichten...
Best of Edgar Allan Poe Meistererzählungen Band 45: Das System des Dr. Teer und Prof. Feder
"The Fall of the House of Usher" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe first published in 1839. The story begins with the unnamed narrator arriving at the house of his friend, Roderick Usher, having received...
Edgar Allan Poe’s only novel, a classic adventure story that has fascinated and influenced generations of writers. Edgar Allan Poe's only novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket is a pivotal...
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