Ver todos los libros de Alydia Rackham

Alydia Rackham - Libros y biografía

Alydia Rackham is a daughter of Jesus Christ. She has written more than thirty original novels of many genres, including fantasy, time-travel, steampunk, modern romance, historical fiction, science fiction, and allegory. She is also a singer, actress, avid traveler, artist, and animal lover. 

The Curse-Breaker Series

The Legacy of Constantin

The Pendywick Place

Alydia Rackham's Retellings


The Tailor of Semenov

Lady Rackham

Weaving of Time

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The Mute of Anthony College and the Three Professors
Victoria and Basil are excitedly preparing Pendywick Place for the first Christmas the Collingwood family will be spending at home, as well as dreaming about their upcoming wedding. Even more exciting, a Professor Churchill wishes to commission a new language from Victoria for his... Más información

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