Andreas Grenacher is a true adventurer at heart, driven by an unwavering passion for nature and wildlife that has taken him on epic journeys around the world. Born and raised in Germany, he started his career in investment banking, living and working in financial hubs such as London, Frankfurt, and Zurich. But it was-n't until he moved to Nairobi to pursue development aid that he truly found his calling. Since then, he has explored some of the most remote and breathtaking corners of the globe, from the sprawling savannas of East Africa to the rugged peaks of the Ga-lápagos Islands. He has witnessed countless wonders of the world, but it is his deep connection to Kenya that sets his soul on fire. Here, he supports numerous development projects and helps young people. It is this same passion that earned him the prestigious literary award "Top Title" from Random House for his thrilling novel "The Nemesis Conspiracy".
Chris war schon immer abenteuerlustig und sein Job als Projektingenieur führt ihn regelmäßig in die entlegensten Regionen der Erde. Als seine Ex-Freundin Lara ihn überraschend bittet, sie auf eine archäologische Expedition nach Ostafrika zu begleiten, ist er daher ohne lange zu zögern...
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