Knead Peace is an initiative created by Andrew Green and Anna Makievska of The Bakehouse, Kyiv, utilising the power of baking to bring people together in order to raise money to support humanitarian work in Ukraine. Baking recipes have been donated by many famous and respected bakers and chefs. Andrew Green has worked in some of the finest kitchens in the UK and abroad, with a particular love of baking and patisserie. These include the RAC club, the City of London Club, Gordon Ramsey's Royal Hospital Road, Nobu London, and Drakes on the Pond.
'Baking connects good people and lets them understand each other no matter what language they speak.' - ANNA MAKIEVSKAInspired by the resilient spirit of Anna Makievska and The Bakehouse, Kyiv, who have continued to bake day and night throughout the conflict, Knead Peace is a unique...
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