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Andy C - Libros y biografía

Andy C. has captured large elements of his sobriety with this book. Many of the lessons portrayed in the stories are from his experiences and observations as a successful lawyer, social leader and parent.

He was born in small town Ontario, Canada. He sobered up in his third year of law school, November 3, 1977. He graduated from Lakehead University with a Commerce and Finance Degree and then completed a Law Degree at the University of Toronto. He moved to Calgary. He married his wife Doreen and they have two children.

For Andy, not drinking was a first spiritual awakening. He's been blessed with subsequent spiritual awakenings as the result of the practice of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and good sponsorship.

Andy is active in service work in AA, and was been instrumental in the foundation and ongoing growth of Simon House in Calgary. He was also a leader in the Lawyers' Assist Program of Alberta, assisting lawyers in crisis often with booze and alcohol. Andy is involved in prodigious 12-step work. He is sponsored and sponsors others, and has a Home Group.

Meditations on Addiction and Recovery

Más leídos del autor

GEMS, 12-Step Meeting Shares, Notes and Thoughts

GEMS, 12-Step Meeting Shares, Notes and Thoughts

De Andy C
Publicado el 26 de septiembre de 2019
6,99 €
IVA incluido
Are you seeking a powerful and transformative resource for recovery? Look no further than GEMS, 12-Step Meeting Shares, Notes and Thoughts. This collection of compelling essays offers a unique perspective on the 12-Step Program, providing invaluable tools to enhance your spiritual... Más información

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