Ver todos los libros de Andy Griffiths

Andy Griffiths - Libros y biografía

Andy Griffiths is an internationally successful, award-winning children's author. His books have been bestsellers in his homeland Australia, the USA and the UK. He is the co-creator of the bestselling, award-winning Treehouse series with illustrator Terry Denton, which has been published in over thirty countries. Andy thrives on having an audience: he has worked as a high school teacher; been the lead singer in a rock band and a stand-up comedian. He has two daughters and lives in Melbourne, Australia.

The first book in the Treehouse series, 13-Storey Treehouse, won the Sainsburys Children's Book Award in 2015, the Lancashire Fantastic Book Award in 2016, as well as the 2016 Coventry Inspiration Award, and the fourth Treehouse book, The 52-Storey Treehouse, won the Australian Book Industry Awards Book of the Year prize – the first children's book to ever do so.

The Treehouse Series

The Treehouse Books


La cabane à 13 étages

La Cabane à 13 étages poche

La casa en el árbol

Adventures Unlimited

Más leídos del autor

Juntos, Andy y Terry viven aventuras disparatadas. ¿Quién sabe qué anécdotas desternillantes y aventuras alocadas nos esperan? Al fin y a cabo, ¡la vida NUNCA es aburrida en una cada en el árbol de 39 pisos!Andy y Terry viven en una casa en el árbol de 39 pisos.Antes era una casa... Más información

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