Ver todos los libros de Angela Slatter

Angela Slatter - Libros y biografía

Angela Slatter is the award-winning author of eight short story collections, including A Feast of Sorrows: Stories, Sourdough and Other Stories, The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings, and Winter Children and Other Chilling Tales. She has won the World Fantasy Award, the British Fantasy Award and five Aurealis Awards. Her short stories have appeared widely, including in annual British, Australian and North American Best Of anthologies, and her work has been translated into Spanish, Russian, Polish, Romanian, and Japanese. Vigil was her first solo novel, and the sequel Corpselight is due out in July 2017. Angela lives in Brisbane, Australia.

Mammoth Books

Rhonda Parrish's Magical Menageries

The Dark

BJP Short Story Collections

Writer Chaps


Best New Horror

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De conjuros y otras penas

Publicado el 17 de octubre de 2022
6,49 €
IVA incluido
Paciencia Gideon es una bruja. Vive tranquila con su hija adolescente y su perro leal en una casa apartada, y cada día los vecinos del pueblo llaman a su puerta en busca de remedios y consejos. Pero, aunque la vida parece discurrir sin sobresaltos, son tiempos sombríos para las brujas... Más información

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