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In 'Miss Hurd: An Enigma' by Anna Katharine Green, the reader is taken on a thrilling journey through the intricacies of a mysterious young woman's life. Green's writing style is characterized by its...
Anna Katharine Green's 'Midnight In Beauchamp Row' is a gripping murder mystery set in a small town with deep-rooted secrets. Green's use of suspenseful plot twists and intricate character development...
Anna Katharine Green's novel X Y Z is a classic of the mystery genre, characterized by its intricate plotting and atmospheric setting. Set in a small English village, the story follows a detective as...
Anna Katharine Green's 'Lost Man's Lane' is a classic mystery novel that captivates readers with its intricate plot, suspenseful storytelling, and vivid character development. Set against the backdrop...
Anna Katharine Green's 'The Woman In The Alcove' is a captivating mystery novel that delves into the themes of deception, love, and crime in the late 19th century. With intricate plot twists and vivid...
In Anna Katharine Green's 'The Defence Of The Bride,' readers are immersed in a compelling narrative filled with mystery, intrigue, and societal commentary. Green's intricate plotting and detailed character...
Anna Katharine Green's novel 'Agatha Webb' is a classic example of early detective fiction with a twist of gothic mystery. Set in a small New England town, the story revolves around the murder of Agatha...
Anna Katharine Green's novel, "XYZ: A Detective Story," is a classic example of early detective fiction, set in the late 19th century. The book follows the investigation of a mysterious crime by a skilled...
Anna Katharine Green's 'Detective Caleb Sweetwater Mysteries' is a thrilling trilogy that follows the adventures of the clever detective as he solves mysterious cases in the late 19th century. Green's...
This carefully crafted ebook: "THE FORSAKEN INN (Gothic Mystery Classic)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The Forsaken Inn is a historical mystery novel...
Anna Katharine Green's 'The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow' is a classic detective novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through a complex murder investigation. Set in the late 19th century, the...
Anna Katharine Green's 'The Old Stone House and Other Stories' is a collection of mystery and detective fiction that showcases her masterful storytelling ability and keen insight into human psychology....
Anna Katharine Green's 'The Mysteries of Violet Strange' is a captivating collection of detective stories featuring the sharp and clever protagonist, Violet Strange. Green's writing style combines elements...
Anna Katharine Green's 'Detective Ebenezer Gryce - Complete Murder-Mysteries Collection' is a compendium of 11 novels that offer a deep dive into the world of classic detective fiction. With a focus on...
In 'The Case for Violet Strange' by Anna Katharine Green, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through a collection of mystery stories centered around the enigmatic detective, Violet Strange. Green's...
In 'Detective Gryce's Cases' by Anna Katharine Green, the reader is taken on a thrilling journey through a series of intricate detective stories. Green's literary style is characterized by detailed descriptions,...
Anna Green was an early 20th century novelist. She was one of the first authors to write detective stories in America. Her stories are known for their well thought out plots and their legal accuracy....
An old and dilapidated inn in upstate New York provides the setting for this gothic mystery involving two couples in the 1700s. Edwin Urquhart, loved by two sisters, chooses to marry the elder. Arriving...
This carefully crafted ebook: "ANNA KATHERINE GREEN Ultimate Collection: Amelia Butterworth Series, Detective Ebenezer Gryce Mysteries, The Cases of Violet Strange, Caleb Sweetwater Trilogy & Other...
It is the noon hour at a museum in New York City. The date: May 23, 1913. The weekday, attendance is light; the attendees are scattered between two floors. Suddenly a cry rings out from the second floor....
Ever since my fortunate—or shall I say unfortunate?—connection with that famous case of murder in Gramercy Park, I have had it intimated to me by many of my friends—and by some who were not my friends—that...
" 'The Sword of Damocles' is a book of great power, which far surpasses either of its predecessors from her pen, and places her high among American writers. The plot is complicated and is managed adroitly....
Anna Katharine Green was an American poet and novelist. She was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America and distinguished herself by writing well plotted, legally accurate stories.Green...
A universally beloved woman has been murdered. But who would have the heart to kill Agatha Webb? Would her husband do it for money matters? Or would it be the cook, who died at about the same time? Or...
Anna Katharine Green (1846-1935) was an American poet and novelist. She was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America and distinguished herself by writing well plotted, legally accurate...
It is a story to be read with a rush, for no one can put it down until he has found the heart of the mystery. For originality of detail and cleverness of development this book is really unusual. This...
A Difficult Problem' is one of Green's short stories of crime and mystery. Anna Katharine Green was born in Brooklyn, New York, USA in 1846. She aspired to be a writer from a young age, and corresponded...
The country club house The Whispering Pines was closed for the winter, but only one day after he locked the place personally, the narrator sees smoke come out of the chimney. He decides to investigate...
I am not an inquisitive woman, but when, in the middle of a certain warm night in September, I heard a carriage draw up at the adjoining house and stop, I could not resist the temptation of leaving my...
In THE FORSAKEN INN, a young bride is murdered on her wedding night. Did her new husband, Edwin Urquhart, kill her to run off with her sister, or is something much more sinister afoot at THE FORSAKEN...
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