View all books by Annie O'Neil

Annie O'Neil - Books and biography

Annie spent most of her childhood with a leg draped over the family rocking chair and a book in her hand. Novels, baking and writing too much teenage angst poetry ate up most of her youth. Now, Annie splits her time between corralling her husband into helping her with their cows, listening to audio books whilst weeding and spending some very happy hours at her computer writing.

Christmas Eve Magic

The Monticello Baby Miracles

Hot Greek Docs

Single Dad Docs

Italian Royals

Pups that Make Miracles

Hot Latin Docs

Paddington Children's Hospital

Hope Children's Hospital

Les frères Valentino

Un Noël aux urgences

Les chirurgiens de Mythelios

Miracles à l'hôpital

Un été à Sao Paulo

Miracles in the Making

Dolphin Cove Vets

Bébés miracles

Double Miracle at Nicollino's Hospital

La clinique des Highlands

The Island Clinic

Vétérinaires à Dolphin Cove

Double miracle à Rome

Nashville ER

Carey Cove Midwives

La clinique des îles

Docteurs de Nashville

Sages-femmes de Carey Cove

Docteurs & papas

Más leídos del autor

New Year Kiss With His Cinderella

New Year Kiss With His Cinderella

Released on December 1, 2021
VAT included
From a midnight kiss… …to a reunion in ER! When Dr. Carter shares a New Year kiss with a captivating stranger, he doesn’t expect a reunion. Until he walks into Saint Dolores’ ER the very next day…and discovers she’s his new colleague!... See more

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