Anthony Hope's 'The Great Miss Driver' is a charming and captivating novel that takes place in the late 19th century. The book follows the story of the enigmatic Miss Driver and her adventures in a world...
Anthony Hope's novel, 'Captain Dieppe,' is a captivating adventure story set in the tumultuous political landscape of 19th-century Europe. Filled with intrigue, romance, and daring escapades, the book...
In Anthony Hope's 'A Man of Mark', readers are enchanted by the tale of an Englishman who finds himself embroiled in political intrigue and romance in a fictional South American country. This adventure...
The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope is an 1894 adventure novel by Anthony Hope, in which the King of Ruritania is drugged on the eve of his coronation and thus is unable to attend the ceremony. Political...
In Anthony Hope's novel, 'Rupert of Hentzau: From The Memoirs of Fritz Von Tarlenheim,' readers are transported to the fictional kingdom of Ruritania, where political intrigue and romantic entanglements...
Anthony Hope's novel 'Rupert of Hentzau' is a thrilling tale of political intrigue, romance, and betrayal set in the fictional kingdom of Ruritania. Written in a captivating narrative style, the book...
In the fictional country of Ruritania, Prince Michael drugs and abducts his brother, King Rudolf, on the eve of Rudolf’s coronation. With the help the king’s cousin, who closely resembles Rudolf, the...
In 'The Indiscretion of the Duchess' by Anthony Hope, the reader is transported to the sophisticated world of 19th-century English society. Hope's elegant prose and insightful commentary on the complexities...
In Anthony Hope's novel 'Sophy of Kravonia,' readers are taken on a captivating journey through the fictional Balkan kingdom of Kravonia. The narrative, rich in political intrigue and romance, is written...
Anthony Hope's 'The Prisoner of Zenda' is a classic adventure novel set in the fictional European country of Ruritania. The novel follows the protagonist, Rudolf Rassendyll, an Englishman who becomes...
A man who has lived in the world, marking how every act, although in itself perhaps light and insignificant, may become the source of consequences that spread far and wide, and flow for years or centuries,...
HIS “Business Ambassador” was the title which my old chief, Ezekiel Coldston, used to give me. I daresay that it served as well as any other to describe with a pleasant mixture of dignity and playfulness,...
Rupert of Hentzau is a sequel by Anthony Hope to The Prisoner of Zenda, written in 1895, but not published until 1898. Queen Flavia, dutifully but unhappily married to her cousin Rudolf V, writes to her...
The Prisoner of Zenda is an adventure novel by Anthony Hope, published in 1894. The king of the fictional country of Ruritania is abducted on the eve of his coronation, and the protagonist, an English...
Dystopian Novels in this trilogy unfold a captivating narrative set in the enchanting but politically turbulent realm of Ruritania. "The Heart of Princess Osra" introduces readers to the intricate love...
The Prisoner of Zenda is an 1894 adventure novel by Anthony Hope, in which the King of Ruritania is drugged on the eve of his coronation and thus is unable to attend the ceremony. Political forces within...
In Anthony Hope's novel, 'Lucinda,' readers are transported to the intriguing world of political intrigue and romance in 18th century England. The story follows the young and ambitious Lucinda Ashley...
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. Set in the fictional country of Ruritania, The Prisoner of Zenda tells the story of Rudolf Rassendyll,...
The Prisoner of Zenda is an adventure novel by Anthony Hope, published in 1894. The king of the fictional country of Ruritania is drugged on the eve of his coronation and thus unable to attend the ceremony....
’Rupert of Hentzau’ (1898) picks up three years after ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’ ended with Rudolf Rassendyll sadly leaving behind his love, Queen Flavia. Now unhappily married, Flavia writes Rassendyll...
The Prisoner of Zenda - Anthony Hope - The Prisoner of Zenda is an 1894 adventure novel by Anthony Hope, in which the King of Ruritania is drugged on the eve of his coronation and thus is unable to attend...
This adventure novel tells the story of Rudolf Rassendyll, younger brother of the Earl of Burlesdon and a distant cousin of Rudolf V, the new King of Ruritania. King Rudolf is a hard-drinking, feckless...
Anthony Hope's swashbuckling romance transports his English gentleman hero, Rudolf Rassendyll, from a comfortable life in London to fast-moving adventures in Ruritania, a mythical land steeped in political...
English gentleman Rudolf Rassendyll arrives in the country of Ruritania on the eve of King Rudolf the Fifth’s coronation. That night, the king is abducted and held prisoner in a castle in the small town...
In 'The Prisoner of Zenda' by Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, readers are transported into a thrilling tale of political intrigue, adventure, and romance. Set in the fictional kingdom of Ruritania, the novel...
Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins' novel, The Dolly Dialogues, is a charming and witty portrayal of upper-class society in Victorian England. The book follows the conversations and interactions between the eccentric...
In 'The Prisoner of Zenda' by Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, readers are taken on a thrilling journey of political intrigue and adventure in the fictional kingdom of Ruritania. The novel is a classic example...
Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the two most important and meaningful...
If you are a fan of classic action-adventure stories who loved Anthony Hope's The Prisoner of Zenda, A Man of Mark should be right up your alley. Set amidst a political uprising in the fictional country...
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