Ver todos los libros de Antonio Carlos Pinto

Antonio Carlos Pinto - Libros y biografía

Born in 1983 in the grand Rocky Mountains of Maranguape, Ceará, Brazil, Antonio Carlos Pinto is a name that stands out in the literary world of the United Kingdom, with experiences in Ireland, Ukraine, and Germany.

With roots in the traditional Pinto family of Portugal and indigenous descent, Antonio began his literary journey on the banks of the Maranguape River, learning stories about the local fauna from his grandfather at an early age.

Throughout his journey, Antonio faced the loss of family members and his beloved wife. Amid the pain, his writing fell silent, but in 2023, he rose like a phoenix, releasing new works, novels, and poetry.

Trained in painting, Antonio experimented with various colors in his life, but his greatest passion, and the most vibrant color, was writing stories to share with the world.

Self-taught, he studied various literary styles such as Gothic, Romantic, Modernist, and Post-Modernist until he reached Neo-Romanticism, creating his own style, "Shakesperian."

Inspired by names like Emily Brontë, Nora Roberts, W. Somerset Maugham, Stephenie Meyer, and William Shakespeare, he forged a unique voice, blending science fiction, fantasy, romance, and Amish poetry.

In his leisure moments, he enjoys both a good contemporary romance and an engaging medieval tale. Antonio Carlos Pinto is an author whose words transcend borders, touching hearts around the world.

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Elia de Gareth y La Hechicera de Shadowthorn
El crepúsculo dibujó sus últimos toques de oro y púrpura sobre Grammaria, anunciando la llegada de la noche casi perpetua. Elia de Gareth estaba parada en la terraza de su modesta morada, perdida en sus pensamientos mientras observaba el horizonte ardiendo con los últimos alientos... Más información

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