Ver todos los libros de Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke - Libros y biografía

Arthur C. Clarke was born in Minehead in 1917. During the Second World War he served as an RAF radar instructor, rising to the rank of Flight-Lieutenant. After the war he won a BSc in physics and mathematics with first class honours from King's College, London. One of the most respected of all science-fiction writers, he also won the KALINGA PRIZE, the AVIATION SPACE-WRITERS PRIZE,and the WESTINGHOUSE SCIENCE WRITING PRIZE. He also shared an OSCAR nomination with Stanley Kubrick for the screenplay of 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, which was based on his story, 'The Sentinel'. He lived in Sri Lanka from 1956 until his death in 2008. To discover more about how the legacy of Sir Arthur is being honoured today, please visit


Gateway Essentials

Golden Age Masterworks

L'Odyssée du Temps


Ailleurs et demain

Arthur C. Clarke

Minotauro Esenciales

Col. Melhores Contos

Histórias de robôs

Madness of Cthulhu

Colección Mejores Cuentos

Serie Rama

Odisea espacial

La trilogie de l'espace

L'Odyssée du Temps

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