Ayesha L. Rubio was born in Madrid, Spain, one cold evening in February. Like many children, she loved to draw. Unfortunately for her family, any surface was an empty canvas for her. One day her grandfather taught her to draw horses and use paper instead of furniture or walls. Years later, she studied fine arts in Spain and England and began to work as an illustrator and writer, collaborating with publishers worldwide. Visit her online at AyeshaLRubio.com.
"Escucha. Tu respiración pausada, los latidos de tu corazón en calma, al compás con la naturaleza.Sois tú y el mundo. Aquí. Ahora. Escuchándoos en silencio. Meciéndoos con su canción." El ritmo del mundo es un paseo por el bosque donde el niño protagonista experimenta la atención...
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