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Barbara Pym - Libros y biografía

Barbara Pym (1913-1980) was born in Oswestry, Shropshire. She was educated at Huyton College, Liverpool, and St Hilda's College, Oxford, where she gained an Honours Degree in English Language and Literature. From 1958-1974, she worked as an editorial secretary at the International African Institute. Her first novel, Some Tame Gazelle, was published in 1950, and was followed by Excellent Women (1952), Jane and Prudence (1953), Less than Angels (1955), A Glass of Blessings (1958) and No Fond Return of Love (1961). During the sixties and early seventies her writing suffered a partial eclipse and, discouraged, she concentrated on her work for the Institute, from which she retired in 1974 to live in Oxfordshire. A renaissance in her fortunes came in 1977, when both Philip Larkin and Lord David Cecil chose her as one of the most underrated novelists of the century. With astonishing speed, she emerged, after sixteen years of obscurity, to almost instant fame and recognition. Quartet in Autumn was published in 1977 and was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. The Sweet Dove Died followed in 1978, and A Few Green Leaves was published posthumously. Barbara Pym died in January 1980.

Virago Modern Classics

Picador Collection


Roman vintage

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Cuarteto de otoño

Cuarteto de otoño

Publicado el 6 de septiembre de 2021
9,99 €
IVA incluido
Barbara Pym escribió Cuarteto de otoño sin grandes esperanzas de que viera la luz. Llevaba tiempo sin publicar, al considerar sus editores que había quedado anclada en un costumbrismo apolillado y poco comercial. Después de que el poeta Philip Larkin y el crítico lord David Cecil... Más información

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