Pantalla :
»Das Leben kam über mich, ungefiltert. Jahrzehntelang sagte ich zu allem Ja, und es war irgendwie in Ordnung so - bis ich durch einen Burnout ausgebremst wurde. So also ging es nicht mehr weiter, aber...
Andrew is a vampire from New Orleans, exiled to a tropical island in the 1800s as punishment for his human bloodlust. During a storm, a ship crashes off shore. After rescuing a sailor from the cannibals...
Their ocean journey was successful, and Andrew and Edmund found an Elder just in time. As they wished, Edmund is now a vampire like Andrew. They have eternity together, but first, they must visit Edmund's...
Ancient vampire Andrew escaped his tropical island exile with his beloved human sailor, Edmund. They've now returned to Andrew's home in nineteenth-century New Orleans and must navigate not only their...
Und am Anfang war der Wolf ... Das Heilige Grab in Görlitz ist geweiht. Eine Genugtuung für die Fingerin, jene legendäre Frau, die mit ihrer abenteuerlichen Pilgerreise dazu beigetragen hat, das Heilige...
Wenn nach einem langen Winter die Tage wärmer werden, ist es endlich wieder Zeit für köstlichen Spargel. Neben dem weißen Spargel, wie er in Deutschland traditionell angebaut und gegessen wird, erfreut...
Kuchen, so weit das Auge reicht! Unter diesem Motto präsentiert dieses Buch eine Vielfalt leckerer Kuchenrezepte - von einfach bis raffiniert, aus den verschiedensten Teigen. Einfache Rührkuchen sind...
A “wholly satisfying” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review) novel in verse starring a boy, a lost dog, and a lonely old man, from Newbery Honoree Marion Dane BauerMark is a boy who needs a dog. But he can’t...
The purebred retriever from the state of Maryland, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever is one of the uniquely all-American breeds. A wavy coat, "deadgrass" coloration, and a strong head give the breed a distinctive...
Em Como Educar sua Mente, da coleção Educação Clássica, Susan Wise Bauer descreve as três fases da tradição clássica: ler para conhecer os fatos; ler para avaliar os fatos e, finalmente, ler para formar...
Ideal para ser lida tanto em voz alta para crianças pequenas como por crianças maiores sozinhas, a série A História do Mundo proporciona um passeio único por todas as eras da humanidade. Neste primeiro...
Hermann Kappes 11. Fall Berlin 1930: Der begabte junge Maler Victor Reimer lebt einzig und allein für seinen großen Traum: Er möchte nach Paris ziehen, um am Montmartre, dem Zentrum der Pariser Kunstszene,...
Wie lange wird es die Siebenbürger Sachsen noch geben? Schon 1979 lag diese Frage auf der Hand. Vieles hat sich seitdem verändert. Dennoch ist diese wissenschaftliche Arbeit zeitlos. Warum? In Zeiten...
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Verbindung psychophysischer Aspekte bei der Fußreflexzonenarbeit am Menschen aufgezeigt und erläutert. Mit dem pädagogischen Ansatz der sogenannten Bewegungsarbeit...
Tim is distressed to learn that his mom, new stepfather, and grandmother are sure Granddad has Alzheimer's disease. Refusing to accept the possibility that they may be right, Tim persuades Granddad to...
Jennifer is disappointed on her birthday when her father gives her a little china horse and the promise of riding lessons instead of the real horse she's been expecting.
"Beautifully written book which will pull at your heartstrings." – Reviewer A gut-wrenching story of discrimination, injustice, and the fight to free a man unfairly sentenced. Born into poverty in a crime-ridden...
Bound by InsightArtemis and Belenos Meagher lived the life of their dreams, a family, freedom, and what they hoped would be happily-ever-after. But when trouble strikes, they make the hardest decision...
Andrew is an ancient vampire with a dark history. Edmund is a human sailor with a desire for both adventure and violence. Together, they build a love that could last centuries … if ghosts of the past...
Running from a scandal that ruined his life, Isaac Twain accepts a teaching position at Hambden University where, three months prior, Professor John Conlon stopped a campus nightmare by stepping in front...
Un livre indispensable pour maîtriser la nouvelle version du logiciel d'imagerie le plus puissant au monde ! Photoshop CC est la nouvelle version du...
Un livre indispensable pour maîtriser la nouvelle version du logiciel d'imagerie le plus puissant au monde ! Photoshop CS5 (Creative Suite) est la nouvelle...
Un livre indispensable pour maîtriser la nouvelle version du logiciel d'imagerie le plus puissant au monde ! Photoshop CS6 (Creative Suite) est la nouvelle...
A população brasileira vem envelhecendo muito rapidamente. Isso tem ocorrido num ritmo três vezes superior à média mundial. Várias doenças comuns do envelhecimento, como aterosclerose, câncer e Alzheimer,...
A Série Universitária foi desenvolvida pelo Senac São Paulo com o intuito de preparar profissionais para o mercado de trabalho. Os títulos abrangem diversas áreas, abordando desde conhecimentos teóricos...
Combining poetry, philosophical thought and advising, Back to the Landscapes depicts the search for the knowledge and consciousness of human heart and mind. Sensitive, spares no efforts to expose all...
Todos os seres humanos são dotados de uma qualidade intrínseca, a capacidade de formular os próprios desejos e de organizar tudo o que está a sua volta. Essa bagagem de desejos despertados no íntimo de...
Der Landart-Künstler Roberto verliebt sich in Paula, eine verheiratete tangosüchtige Bürgerliche. Sie versucht, ihm das Tango-Tanzen beizubringen; und er überredet sie, sich mit ihm in eine Kunst-Ehe...
In the sequel to "Sadie Sapiens", Sadie, a tiny Chihuahua who's learned how to communicate, enjoys a tight bond with her pack of humans at the Institute for Non-Human Intelligence. Surrounded by loving...
In this sequel to The Cavern Kings, Josh Jensen dreams of becoming a member of the most elite cave diving team in the world. His biggest hurdle is that the head of the team hates his guts and doesn't...
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