Benoist Rousseau est bloggeur, écrivain et trader pour compte propre. Diplômé en histoire économique à la Sorbonne, Benoist Rousseau a été professeur d’histoire pendant dix ans. En 2010, il a fondé le site qui est devenu en quelques années une référence dans le domaine du trading.
Auteur du best-seller « Devenez trader pro », il partage ainsi avec générosité sa passion pour le trading.
Benoist Rousseau is a historian, blogger and french independent trader. After being a teacher for 10 years, he resigned to become self-employed trader and opened website where he shares his visions on trading, his economic analyses and his thoughts on the evolution of society. forum, which has more than a million posts, lets traders, both amateur and professional, exchange ideas about their passion in a respectful environment.
The term "trader" comes from the English word "trade" which means "exchange, commerce". A trader is an individual who trades financial products on behalf of a bank or brokerage firm. His job is to buy and resell, buy and resell, to infinity and often in a very short time.
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