Bandits kidnap a merchant's daughter. A thread of connections draws Swordmistress Zhen into action, along with her sister, Archer Zhen. Sisters in arms, in Tang Dynasty China. With a few friends who are...
A missing ship, seemingly lost without any emergency signal. Without any trace. Marrakesh is dispatched to discover what happened to the Northwind. And rescue the crew if they can. What they find threatens...
When an Wronlori exile asks the A'Zedi government for exoarchaeological help, Intelligence Services decides to send Marrakesh and Captain Boru. They'll be operating beyond the edge of any maps. There...
When a deal with a new contact goes bad, Tessa and Constanz find themselves prisoners. Then an old friend of Wyatt's turns out to be behind their kidnapping. And the blackmail. Then the bank robbery. Maybe...
Kincaide has led Dashavatara and his crew to freedom. At least for now. When Ildar's latest model finds them across the light-centuries, the chase begins Can Kincaide get to the one star that even the...
A map that shows a world nobody knows has Fin all a-lather to go investigate. He draws the rest of the crew with the craziness. New friends, new enemies, and ghosts before they're done. Book Two of the...
Ten thousand folks getting together for their annual fair on Atwick, when the Red Cough breaks out. Fin and Tessa must race for Beaumonde to bring back enough vaccine to keep people alive. Constanz will...
Brianna's past catches up with her, when one of the men who programmed her originally captures her. Wyatt leads the team to rescue her. And things will get ugly before he's done. Book Nine of the Last...
Travelers take passage on Last Stand. One of them might be a daughter of the last emperor of Zaddinul. And her bodyguard might be working with Lorastir Intelligence on at least a triple-cross. Then Fin...
The Corsac Fox returns. Uly intends to convince the merchants of Z'Gosza to hire him. To end piracy. Better than becoming a pirate himself. When they ask him to conquer a notorious pirate enclave, Uly...
Strange things at Alfann have Tessa and the crew heading out on a long run to hide from Masterson Ops. Where better to hide, then, than a return to Lacot and the pirates? This time, however, Brianna brings...
Javier wants to see a megastructure: a small moon hollowed out and turned into a starship. All part of his plans for surviving the Rising Storm.Djamila accidentally meets an old enemy that everyone else...
A new preacher has come to Wabrook to revive the faith. Except that under that disguise, Auntie recognizes the man. And his trouble. Then more trouble bubbles up, and the whole crew must get involved. Book...
Harper Morita wants to play in the big leagues. To be invited to the biggest, richest cons against the wealthiest marks. She has the brains and the smile for it. Best of all? The girl has luck. Time and...
Lazarus and Ajax can crush anything they encounter in Innruld Space, but that won't win the war. He has friends, though, and they will help. When Westphalia launches an invasion of Innruld Space, the...
Wizards, warriors, professional adventurers, and actors trapped in a role. Here is a collection of fantasy short stories set in fantastic worlds: From an Imperial Rome that never was, to forgotten towers...
Mom's accidental death let Grandmother declare Angus an orphan, because Dad was an alien, an Aracheed. Worse, the crazy old bitch got custody, and plans to trap Angus on her estate, away from the alien...
Kid Lexington wants to be a respected superhero, more than anything. Bad enough that he pretends to be the teenage sidekick of a better-known hero.His teammates must never uncover his true identity.When...
Come with us as we explore Alternate Worlds, places where Science and Fiction intersect. See how the past could have changed, how the present might be greater than you imagine, or how different futures...
The Nazis thought a secret base in the New York mountains impregnable, but British Intelligence has sent their best team, led by formidable agent Eva Kiesler, once the most beautiful actress on the silver...
The old-timers say it started back in the middle somewhere, when hope was still an option. Before some idiot decided the best way to break the back of the Resistance was to use The Bomb. Everything went...
Revisit many of the exciting places you visited in Volume One. Whether it is the meddling of the Gods in their endless games, a magical Imperial Rome, or adventures in the desert, the mountains, and the...
The god disguised as a goldfish doesn't command. Still, Akahana knows better than to refuse his "requests", especially to help a pair of lovebug crabs.Even if it might turn out to be the greatest risk...
Special Agent Eva Kiesler gave up Hollywood fame to battle the Nazis with the assistance of Dr. Slate, a living clone of N. Telsa.Now, British Intelligence has tracked their enemy to a warehouse down...
Jessica Keller faces court martial for disobeying a direct order.Her actions also prevented a massacre during the latest starship battle between the Republic of Aquitaine Navy (RAN) and the Freiburg Empire.What...
Hive’s dreams saved the future. Now she dreams bigger.The Gods have language. They can be contacted as equals. She will do so, and discover a greater secret than she ever imagined possible.With this new-found...
Javier still tinkers with his machines, and tends his gardens and his chicken, despite being a slave, held by pirates. Who are just starting to realize how important the Science Officer is becoming.When...
Youngest Brother holds the greatest treasure of his clan: an icon cast of unknown material, bearing words none can read.His quest? Seeking vengeance on those who massacred his family.But for that, he...
Javier lives quite happily on his long-range scout. Alone. Away from everyone, with his chickens, his fruit trees, and Suvi, an artificial intelligence who keeps him company and runs the ship.When space...
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