Pantalla :
An MWA Grand Master tells it straight:Fredric Brown: “When I read Murder Can Be Fun, I had a bottle ofbourbon on the table and every time Brown’s hero took a drink, I had a snort myself. This is a hazardous...
Lawrence Block’s 17 Matthew Scudder novels have won the hearts of readers throughout the world—along with a bevy of awards including the Edgar, the Shamus, the Philip Marlowe (Germany), and the Maltese...
MWA Grand Master Lawrence Block's new collection of short fiction written since the publication of his omnibus volume, Enough Rope:One of the most highly acclaimed novelists in the crime genre, Lawrence...
“Bernie is such a likeable goof, the dialogue so finely crafted and the plot so twisted that one sitting is all it takes on this book.” —Arkansas Democrat-Gazette “All of Block’s Bernie books are outrageously...
Ever since The Burglar on the Prowl climbed the bestseller lists in 2004, fans have been clamoring for a new book featuring the lighthearted and lightfingered Bernie Rhodenbarr. Now everybody's favorite...
"MWA Grand Master Block (The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons) adds a generous dollop of eroticism to this ingeniously plotted study in criminality and corruption. Divorced and retired New York cop Doak...
From the revered New York Times bestselling author comes a touching, insightful, and humorous memoir of an unlikely racewalker and world traveler Before Lawrence Block was the author of bestselling novels...
Matt Scudder sta finalmente conducendo un'esistenza tranquilla. Il numero dei crimini è in diminuzione e la borsa in risalita. I rimodernamenti rendono più gradevoli i vecchi quartieri. Le strade di New...
Suppose you're Bernie Rhodenbarr. You've got a dream job, running your own cozy secondhand bookstore, complete with Raffles, your caudally challenged cat. It's in Greenwich Village, and your best friend's...
Sheldon Lord began his career with CARLA (#5 in the Collection of Classic Erotica),published by Harry Shorten's Midwood Books in 1958. Just about a year later he wrote CAMPUS TRAMP (CCL #7) for William...
I'd no sooner finished CARLA, my first book for Midwood Tower, than Harry Shorten asked for another. I'd just returned to Antioch College, where after two years as an undistinguished student I'd dropped...
Lawrence Block's new collection assembles seven works of fiction written over a period of sixty years."Hard Sell," a story ghost-written under Craig Rice's name, appeared in the first issue of Ed McBain's...
Here's what someone wrote as the book description for an earlier edition of ENOUGH OF SORROW:"From master storyteller Lawrence Block comes one girl's journey toward self-discovery and sexual freedom....Karen...
Libraio e newyorkese fino all'osso, Bernie Rhodenbarr raramente si avventura fuori da Manhattan, ma ora è eccitato per la romantica vacanza che ha organizzato per sè e il suo attuale amore, Lettice, a...
»Die Sünden der Väter« stellt Matthew Scudder vor, jenen New Yorker Privatdetektiv, der von Liam Neeson in »Ruhet in Frieden« auf der Leinwand verkörpert wurde. Eine junge Prostituierte wurde getötet...
In seinem elften Abenteuer wagt sich Matt Scudder wieder einmal in düstere Gefilde vor. Dazu einige Pressestimmen:Es bedarf der sicheren Hand eines coolen Profis wie Lawrence Block, um den hektischen...
Keller è un killer. Professionale, freddo, sicuro, competente, affidabile. Ma è anche una persona complessa: riservato e solitario, gelido e spietatamente efficiente, è portato alla solitudine e ai dubbi,...
n early 1969, I moved with my wife and daughters to an 18th century farmhouse on twelve rolling acres a mile east of the Delaware River. We kept a variety of animals and grew things in the garden, and...
Ich begann Mitte der siebziger Jahre damit, über Matthew Scudder zu schreiben. Der erste Roman, »Die Sünden der Väter«, erschien 1975, der 17. und bislang letzte Roman der Reihe, »Ein Tropfen vom harten...
Sheesh. What a lousy title. Flesh Mob was published by Midnight Reader, a fellow imprint of Nightstand Books, in 1962. I can tell at a glance that it's my work, although I don't specifically recall writing...
Von Willa Cathers Bonmot zu Beginn des Buchs - "Selbst die Bösen bekommen Schlimmeres, als sie verdienen " – bis zum letzten Satz beglückt Block seine Leser wieder einmal mit einem großartig geschriebenen...
»Ich liebe die Matthew-Scudder-Reihe und ich liebe Kurzgeschichten ... Das hier ist die komplette Sammlung mit allen Scudder-Kurzgeschichten. Eine der besten Kurzgeschichten aller Zeiten ist ›Im frühen...
When I decided to reissue my early books in the Collection of Classic Erotica, I did so without realizing what I was getting myself into. I would have to read them again.Or, as in the case of BORN TO...
The basis of the recent film starring Liam Neeson, A Walk Among the Tombstones is Matthew Scudder's tenth appearance. He's hired by a drug dealer whose wife has been savagely murdered, and Scudder's pursuit...
»Steht den besten Romanen Blocks in nichts nach ... EIN SCHLUCK VOM HARTEN STOFF lässt uns lange rätseln.« – Tom Nolan, Wall Street JournalIm ersten Jahr seiner Abstinenz muss sich Matthew Scudder nicht...
Alla conclusione de Il Sicario in Fuga, Keller viveva in una grande e vecchia casa nel quartiere del Lower Garden in una New Orleans che si stava riprendendo dall'uragano Katrina. Aveva un nuovo nome...
Bookseller Bernie Rhodenbarr's in love—with an exotic Eastern European beauty who shares his obsession with Humphrey Bogart movies. He's in heaven, munching popcorn with his new amour every night at a...
Der renommierte Bestsellerautor und Meister des modernen Spannungsromans ist mit einem packenden neuen Roman über seinen coolen Auftragskiller Keller zurück.John Keller ist Everybody´s Lieblingskiller:...
Presenting EVAN TANNER—the first series character created by Lawrence Block, bestselling author of A WALK AMONG THE TOMBSTONES...Ever since a shred of shrapnel did a number on his brain’s sleep center,...
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