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Brian Hammar - Libros y biografía

Brian A. Hammar was born and raised in Lowell Massachusetts. After six years in the Air Force he settled in New Hampshire where he worked as an Engineer and Project Manager in commercial and industrial construction and renovation. During that time he began writing fiction and joined a group of writers known as the Tyngsborough Writers Group at the library in Tyngsborough, Massachusetts. He found the group most helpful for their criticism and encouragement.

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The Fall of Wind Castle

The Fall of Wind Castle

Publicado el 6 de enero de 2013
4,99 €
IVA incluido
George Severe, a former Meteorologist, is a reluctant leader in a strange levitating world he had discovered while working for a clandestine agency. The Land is at peace, but George knows it will not last. He asks the Land's Warriors and Dragons to prepare for an impending conflict.Having... Más información

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