View all books by Bronwyn Scott

Bronwyn Scott - Books and biography

Bronwyn Scott is the author of over 70 books. Her 2018 novella, "Dancing with the Duke's Heir" was a RITA finalist. She loves history and is always looking forward to the next story. She also enjoys talking with other writers and readers about books they like and the writing process. Readers can visit her at her Facebook page

Séducteur à marier

Castonbury Park

Princes des steppes

Wallflowers to Wives

Rakes Who Make Husbands Jealous

Ladies of Impropriety

Rakes Beyond Redemption

The Cornish Dukes

Allied at the Altar

Rakes on Tour

Russian Royals of Kuban

Rakes of the Caribbean

Quatre Anglais sur le continent

Castonbury Park

Dentelles & Trahisons

The Rebellious Sisterhood

Seigneurs de Cornouailles

The Peveretts of Haberstock Hall

Dentelles et trahisons

Daring Rogues

Harlequin Internacional

Coleccionable Regencia

Harlequin Históricos

Kit Harlequin Históricos


Enterprising Widows

Más leídos del autor

La dama y el libertino

Released on March 20, 2014
VAT included
¡El precio de salida por la virginidad de Julia Prentiss eran quince mil libras! Decidida a no someterse a un matrimonio forzado, Julia no veía otra solución que arruinar su honra. El libertino Paine Ramsden tenía fama de no andarse con escrúpulos a la hora de seducir almas inocentes,... See more

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