Bruce Hood is an award-winning Professor of Developmental Psychology at Bristol University and the author of several books including SuperSense, The Self Illusion, The Domesticated Brain and Possessed. His course, The Science of Happiness, is the most popular course at Bristol University. He has appeared extensively on TV and radio, including co-hosting the BBC podcast The Happiness Half Hour in 2021. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Society, the Royal Institution of Great Britain and the British Psychological Society.
Siete lecciones sencillas pero poderosas para derribar los obstáculos mentales que se interponen en tu camino hacia el bienestar.Todos queremos ser más felices, pero a menudo nuestro cerebro nos lo pone difícil. Cuando estamos demasiado enfrascados en nuestras cabezas, nos obsesionamos...
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