The Author discovered by use of this Wheel, that it answered the purposes of a globe or a map, and by which any and every problem in Astronomy and Astrology could be more quickly approximated, than by any other inexpensive method known. He was induced by his friends to make it public, and he has done so, in various forms, so that the Wonder Wheel and his Tabula Magus, are now known in every civilized portion of the globe. They have been found to be Wonderful Demonstrators of Divine Law, in Biblical, Spiritual, Theosophic, Astrologic or other systems of Ancient or Modern lore, and whatever a person's religious faith, it may be upheld by lessons drawn from the Wonder Wheel.Teachers, Lecturers, Writers and Students have already drawn many illustrations from it, in their particular lines of work. Even the children have found out several simple games of amusement, by use of the Wheel, with checkers, buttons or dice. It is well adapted in Kindergarten schools to various lines of attention, and all scholars may discover new truths in its use.During our publishing of the Wonder Wheel, in the large cardboard form, an erroneous impression was abroad that it was only for the purpose of Character Readings, like Butler's Solar Biology, Eleanor Kirk's book, and Mr. Colville's work on Zodiacal influences.