Ver todos los libros de C. Kubasta

C. Kubasta - Libros y biografía

Originally from Wautoma, a small town in central Wisconsin, C. Kubasta graduated from Wells College, when it was still a women's college, and the University of Notre Dame with an MFA in Creative Writing. She is the author of several chapbooks, the poetry collection All Beautiful & Useless, and the novella Girling. She lives, teaches, and writes in Wisconsin where she is often inspired by the rural, the bodies we inhabit, the subtexts of relationships & our selves.

The Driftless Unsolicited Novella Series

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Of Covenants

Of Covenants

Publicado el 9 de diciembre de 2017
4,99 €
IVA incluido
The earnest voice misspeaks, as does the speaker of these poems—often. All things made of language "are interactive objects discolored by the touch of people's hands." Of Covenants considers the ways we name and structure experience, creating contracts through our legal, religious,... Más información

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