Pantalla :
Lewis Eliot, the diffident protagonist of the Strangers and Brothers sequence, retreats to the background in this absorbing study of his mentor, George Passant, a charismatic solicitor’s clerk. In the...
The eighth novel in C. P. Snow’s Strangers and Brothers sequence sees a return to the Cambridge college of The Masters, where an apparent miscarriage of justice once again ranges the fellows against one...
The personal life of Lewis Eliot, the central figure and narrator of C. P. Snow’s Strangers and Brothers, takes centre stage in this moving account of his wartime years.The suicide of Lewis’s desperately...
Samuel, the last of Israel's judges, is tasked with choosing the nation's first king, a king who decides to rule in his own strength rather than in God's. Samuel must find a replacement, but placing him...
Bible stories are often told with a straight retelling of the scriptural text with very little emotion or motive emphasising what the story is trying to convey – the very real personal story contained...
They say with age comes wisdomYet retired museum curator, antique shop owner, and international spy, Dorothy Claes, is beginning to wonder if she's playing the fool. Even with a new lead on her father's...
The older you get, the less time you seem to have.And Dorothy Claes has no time for secrets. It's been a year since she joined The Silver Foxes to uncover the truth about her father's death, and she's...
Life is supposed to get easier the older you get, right?After a life of world travel and jujitsu competitions, retired museum curator, Dorothy Claes, is ready for a quiet life. Despite the rambunctious...
The living are in hiding, and the dead are just existing.There has to be more to life.There has to be more than this. The power has gone out in London. No one knows why. No one knows when it will come...
From intergalactic space a ship enters the Dümain.Bigger than anything ever seen before it strikes fear into the hearts of some, ambition in others. In a race to control it, the fractured government teeters...
Benjamin, a boy caught up in the conflict of a country ravaged by civil war, is torn from his family and the village he loves. The only one who can save him is his father who will stop at nothing to bring...
C. P. Cavafy is one of the most singular and poignant voices of twentieth-century European poetry, conjuring a magical interior world through lyrical evocations of remembered passions, imagined monologues...
'All those excessive, useless regrets...'A collection of nostalgic, erotic poetry from one of the greatest Greek poets to have ever lived.Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th...
O ChatGPT analisou "O Turrão e Suas Peripécias, do Bipolar que vos fala". Segundo a Inteligência Artificial, trata-se de "Uma Jornada de Reflexão e Resiliência". Seguem alguns trechos. O livro nos presenteia...
"Em seu novo livro, Crônicas de um bipolar, o autor conta episódios de sua vida e retrata com muito bom humor períodos em que a bipolaridade pode ter influenciado (ou não) certas atitudes e decisões....
Este é o primeiro volume da coleção Perguntas & Respostas Bíblicas, feito inteiramente com o intuito de ensinar de uma forma mais prática e dinâmica o que o Espírito Santo de Deus nos deixou por escrito...
O amor a santa mãe de Deus, não é somente uma devoção, mas sobre tudo uma necessidade. Todo cristão deveria compreender a grandeza da manifestação de Deus nesta filha de Sião. Quero neste pouco espaço...
Jack Davis cresceu em Thombstone e tudo que é mais importante em sua vida ele aprendeu lá: beber, fumar e atirar sem errar. Porém, a violenta e caótica vida pacata de Jack estará prestes a sofrer uma...
The first in a collection of short stories.Volume One centres around science fiction: alien contact, space wars, conspiracy, and even classic adaptations.A must read for fans of C.P. Clarke's work.
Tähtien mies ne tulivat taloomme on tieteisseikkailu. Miehestä nimeltään Timotson yksityisetsivä ja hänen ystävistään kuten Maketsonista. Jotka pelastavat maailmankaikkeuden sopimattomilta avaruusolioilta...
Social media has become an integral part of our lives, shaping the way we communicate, connect, and consume information. However, this digital world has also brought with it a set of challenges and risks...
My life was a mess. Briarwick Academy offered me a chance to start over and finally move on from my past. But in order to get closure, I'd need to face the skeletons in my closet, and maybe even a few...
Se a internet está cada vez mais presente na atualidade, precisamos entender de que forma as características deste momento estão influenciando as mudanças na vida cotidiana. Este livro apresenta reflexões...
A violência na escola constitui-se em um grande problema social e pode ser vista como um comportamento agressivo que abrange os conflitos interpessoais, os danos ao patrimônio e os atos criminosos, podendo...
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