Pantalla :
Har du nogensinde tænkt over naturens kraft i kampen mod kræft? Dyk ned i den fascinerende verden af vitamin B17 og abrikoskerner i denne tankevækkende bog. Opdag ukonventionelle metoder til kræftbehandling,...
Emma hat herausgefunden, dass sie eine Hexenzauberin und eine der Auserwählten ist. Nun gehört sie zu einer Gruppe von Menschen, die den Stamm der Blutzauberer suchen. Was ihnen wohl auf ihrer Suche...
Har du någonsin funderat över naturens kraft i kampen mot cancer? Dyk ner i den fascinerande världen av vitamin B17 och aprikoskärnor i denna tankeväckande bok. Upptäck okonventionella metoder för cancerbehandling...
*Sei dir bewusst, dass alle Geschichten, die man dich gelehrt hat, falsch und erlogen sind. Die wahre Geschichte ist eine andere. Eine Brutalere.* Vier Hexenschwestern werden ins dunkle Königreich geschickt,...
A disgruntled employee, sibling rivalry, and zombie attacks. Who said Texarkana was boring?I swear, I didn't do it.It wasn't me.I did not start the zombie-apocalypse in Texarkana.But I'm planning to find...
Flucht und Flüchtlinge stellen nicht erst seit der sog. Flüchtlingskrise ab dem Jahr 2015 eine Herausforderung für Kirchen und Gemeinden in Deutschland dar. Gleichwohl werden diesem Phänomen und den von...
Eigentlich filmte sie alles. Sie wollte ihr Leben, so gut es ging, festhalten. Doch dann filmte sie etwas, was sie nie hätte filmen wollen. Und auch nicht sollen, denn es veränderte ihr ganzes Leben...
"A Guide to Trading Shares, Commodities, Forex, and Cryptocurrencies" is an indispensable resource for both novice and experienced traders seeking success across diverse financial markets. This comprehensive...
Seventeen Year Old Craig Hancock can't wait to Fly with NOAA into the eye of a Hurricane. Excited, he boards the plane and heads to Miami and Halsey Navel Air Station. He has no idea he is stepping into...
BARED SOULS is a collection of five flash fiction stories that delve into the inner workings of the (mostly) human mind. Each story is different, some thriller, some fantasy, with one theme linking them:...
"Overcoming Smoking, Alcohol, and Drug Addiction" is an insightful guide that comprehensively addresses the complex journey of breaking free from addiction. It begins by elucidating the profound impact...
Every student passing through an institution of higher learning should graduate in flying colors! The only acceptable C.G.P.A. is 3.5 and above. And here is a book that can help you achieve that feat....
ADVANCE PRAISE FOR BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS Drawing from his experience as a civil engineer he has drawn incredible parallels between how buildings are built and how success in life is achieved I strongly...
M C Schulz hat nach ihrem Roman "Toedliches Dessert" ihre besten Kurzgeschichten in diesem Buch vereint. M C Schulz entführt uns mit ihren vierundzwanzig kurzweiligen Geschichten von humorvoll bis makaber,...
Melody Keen is the first child born on Mars, where her family populates a research settlement. When Melody is two, the adults begin vanishing. Though they return minutes later, they are not completely...
After dying from a fear experiment, a young woman returns as a ghost, reaching back from the Alchemists to Nazi scientists for peace. To succeed, she will have to direct her family to make sure she dies...
"Bioconstruindo - Casa, corpo e consciência" é uma obra fascinante que revela a possibilidade de construir não apenas uma casa sustentável, mas também um corpo saudável e uma consciência expandida, tudo...
A crime is still a crime even if it's not reported, but when it is, it can be investigated… Cecelia, a journalist struggling with her own mental health, is approached by Angelina, a nurse at a fertility...
Die Welt steht vor dem Ende. Alle, die über 18 sind, müssen helfen, etwas zu erschaffen, das uns von hier weg bringt. Denn die Erde wird bald nicht mehr länger unser zu Hause sein, sondern die Vernichtung...
Poesie für alle die den Herbst lieben. Bunte Farbenpracht, goldene Oktobertage aber auch die Melancholie manch grauer Novembermorgen werden in diesem herbstlichen Poesieband lyrisch beleuchtet. Für...
This book is a collection of short stories of travel, adventure, and growing up as an Italian Catholic. The author tells stories of her great grandparents that came to America, and how it was literally...
O analfabetismo, em um contexto pós-industrial, pós-tradicional, midiático e pluralizado, há muito deixou de ter um significado atrelado à mera questão de possuir ou não o conhecimento de letras ou números,...
"Navigating Challenges in Lower-Class Society" delves into the multifaceted issues faced by the lower-class population. Beginning with an insightful introduction that defines and contextualizes the lower-class...
In the words of American humorist and Oklahoma-born heartlander Will Rogers, common sense ain't common. But while the modern world around us may seem to be desperately lacking practicality, wisdom and...
This book is not an in-depth Bible Study. This book is not written with complex statements of religious themes to overwhelm you. This book is written however, to be easy to read, and easy to get into,...
Ein Blick in die Erdenwelt zeigt uns in allen Lebensbereichen gewaltige Probleme, Schwierigkeiten, Not, Elend, Leid und gibt Anlass zur Frage: Lassen sich die vielen Herausforderungen in dieser bedrängnisvollen...
Avez-vous déjà pensé au pouvoir de la nature dans la lutte contre le cancer ? Plongez dans le monde fascinant de la vitamine B17 et des noyaux d'abricot grâce à ce livre qui pousse à la réflexion. Découvrez...
"A Guide to Road Safety and Accident Prevention" is a comprehensive handbook that delves into the multifaceted realm of road safety, offering invaluable insights and practical guidance to reduce the devastating...
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