Ver todos los libros de Catherine George

Catherine George - Libros y biografía

Catherine George was born in Wales, and early on developed a passion for reading which eventually fuelled her compulsion to write. Marriage to an engineer led to nine years in Brazil, but on his later travels the education of her son and daughter kept her in the UK. And, instead of constant reading to pass her lonely evenings, she began to write the first of her romantic novels. When not writing and reading she loves to cook, listen to opera, and browse in antiques shops.

The Millionaire Affair

The Dysarts

One Night With Consequences

International Billionaires

Greek Tycoons

His Baby

Dinner at 8

Secret Passions




Ómnibus Bianca



Harlequin Jessica

Kit Harlequin Jessica

Harlequin Jessica Especial

Ómnibus Geral

Más leídos del autor

Una novia perfecta

Una novia perfecta

Publicado el 1 de julio de 2010
2,99 €
IVA incluido
Cuando Joanna Logan conoce al atractivo jardinero March Aubrey, éste hace que su corazón se altere. Pero luego se sorprende al descubrir que March no sólo se encarga de los jardines de Arnborough Hall, sino que posee toda la finca.Aquello lo cambia todo. Jamás podrá considerar convertirse... Más información

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