Ver todos los libros de Catherine Jacob

Catherine Jacob - Libros y biografía

Catherine Jacob lives in a very old, noisy house in York where she tries to squeeze in as much story writing time as possible, in between looking after her three lovely (ever so slightly mischievous) children and occasionally appearing on TV reporting the news. She loves singing, drawing, and writing in rhyme while drinking mugs of steaming hot tea. (Not all at the same time!)

Documents et témoignages

Puppy Club

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Coco Settles In

Coco Settles In

Publicado el 5 de enero de 2023
7,19 €
IVA incluido
Welcome to Puppy Club! Join Jaya, Willow, Daniel, Elsa, Milo and Harper as they all navigate the ups and downs of life with a brand-new puppy! Elsa loves her gorgeous puppy Coco but her family's two cats aren't so welcoming. They chase the terrified pup all over the house! And... Más información

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