Christopher Edge is an award-winning children's author whose books have been translated into more than twenty languages. His novel
The Infinite Lives of Maisie Day won the STEAM Children's Book Prize and his last four novels were all nominated for the prestigious CILIP Carnegie Medal. Before becoming a writer, he worked as an English teacher, editor and publisher - any job that let him keep a book close to hand - and he now lives in Gloucestershire with his wife and family, close to his local library.
Find out more about Christopher at and find him on Twitter @edgechristopher
¿Quieres escribir una gran historia?¿Y que la lea todo el mundo?Este libro contiene todo lo que necesitas saber para escribir grandes historias que todos tus amigos querrán leer. Descubre cómo planear argumentos, imaginar mundos, añadir giros, acción y conflictos con la ayuda de...
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