Christopher Gray (1942-2009) was well known for his involvement in the 1960s with Situationist International, for his various radical writings, and as Swami Prem Paritosh, disciple of the guru Osho. He translated Raoul Vaneigem’s Banalités de Base (as The Totality for Kids) and is the author of Leaving the Twentieth Century, the first English language anthology of Situationist ideas, and the biography Life of Osho.
Una exploración sobre las verdades personales y espirituales reveladas mediante el LSD • Indica que las visiones inducidas por el LSD tejen una trama continua de un viaje a otro • Muestra que los viajes o trances psicodélicos pasan por tres etapas: los temas personales y la conciencia...
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