Christopher Ward is the grandson of Jock Hume, at 21 the youngest member of the Titanic`s orchestra. Christopher joined the Evening Chronicle in Newcastle-upon-Tyne aged 17, and moved to Merseyside to become the Daily Mirror`s Liverpool correspondent at the height of Beatlemania. In his early twenties, he moved to London, writing a column in the Mirror for more than ten years. At 38 he became Fleet Street`s then youngest editor when he was appointed editor of the Daily Express. He left, aged 42, to co-found Redwood, Europe`s first customer magazine agency, of which he is Chairman today. He lives in the Scottish Borders, seventy miles from Jock Hume`s birth place in Dumfries.
14 de março de 2012.
O dia em que a vida de Erika desabou. Ainda assombrada pelos trágicos acontecimentos daquele dia, Erika bebe para esquecer, tropeçando pela vida para sempre à beira do desastre. Preso em um limbo, onde ela é caçadora e a caça, sua vida muda no dia em que ela...
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