Claus Bork - former singer, composer and guitarist in the Danish rockband Clockwork Orange - had 35 years of managing building sites as a building engineer. He is the proud father of 4 adult children. He is now retired at the age of 72, living in a small country town in the beautiful forests of southern Sweden.
His authorship count 19 novels, many of them fantasy for both youngsters and adults.
Published English translations are: '
'The Adventurous Karaganda' - adult fantasy
'WTC-Gate' - adult crime about 9/11
Kunstig intelligens - A.I. - Artificiel Intelligens - er datakode, der kan træffe beslutninger og udføre opgaver på egen hånd. A.I. anvendes idag til styring af verdens valutabørser, flytrafik, selvkørende biler og mængder af andre opgaver. Kun fantasien sætter grænser for, hvad...
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