Pantalla :
The story of Prophet Yunus (Jonah), peace be upon him, is unique and interesting to many adults as well as children. The story of Prophet Yunus's nation starts with God sending his Prophet to the people...
♥ Mae plant yn ymddiriedolaeth a roddir i rieni gan Allah (Duw) yn ogystal a bod yn anrheg werthfawr. Rhieni sy'n gyfrifol am ofal a magwraeth eu plant. Bydd rhieni yn atebol ar Ddydd y Feirniadaeth am...
♥ Kinder sind eine Vertrauenssache, die Allah (Gott) den Eltern gegeben hat, ebenso sind sie ein kostbares Geschenk. Eltern sind für die Pflege & Erziehung ihrer Kinder verantwortlich. Eltern werden...
Als Eltern müssen wir unsere Kinder im islamischen Glauben erziehen. Dies erfordert, dass wir unseren Kindern unseren geliebten Propheten Mohammed (Friede sei mit ihm) vorstellen, das Vorbild, das Allah...
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En tant que parents, nous devons élever nos enfants en suivant la foi islamique. Pour cela, nous devons présenter à nos enfants notre bien-aimé Prophète Mohammed, PSL, le modèle qu'Allah a fait descendre...
As parents, we must raise our children in the Islamic Faith. This requires us to introduce our children to our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the role model that Allah sent down for us to emulate and...
? Imparare il Sacro Corano mentre lo si recita è obbligatorio per ogni famiglia musulmana, ed è un peso che grava sulle spalle dei genitori. Ogni genitore deve instillare interesse e amore per il Sacro...
Getting to Know & Love God; Introducing God to Children of All Faiths ♥ Our children are precious gifts given to us by God. He entrusts us with their care and upbringing. An important part of our...
L'amour d'Allah est déjà instillé dans le cœur de nos enfants, et il est de notre devoir de parents de contribuer à nourrir et à entretenir cet amour. Nous devons enseigner à nos enfants, dès leur plus...
Das islamische ritualisierte Gebet ist eine der wichtigsten Säulen des Islam und wird das erste sein, worüber wir am Tag des Gerichts befragt werden. Es ist unsere Pflicht als Eltern, unsere Kinder über...
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La prière rituelle islamique est l'un des piliers les plus importants de l'islam et sera la première chose sur laquelle nous serons interrogés le jour du jugement dernier. Il est de notre devoir, en tant...
Whether you are looking for the perfect Ramadan gift for a friend or relative or looking to educate yourself about Islam while challenging yourself in a fun and engaging matter, this adult and teenage...
Whether you are looking for the perfect Islamic gift for children or looking to introduce and educate your children about Allah, the Holy Quran, Islam, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and other Islamic...
Do you want to introduce your toddler to their Creator, Allah? Do you want to introduce your child to God's Names and Attributes? Most children are interested in the world they live in and want to be...
Are You Searching for Your True Life's Purpose? Do you want to build and strengthen a deep connection with your Creator, Allah (God), and seek His guidance for a fulfilling life? This Islamic book is...
Dua (prayer of supplications to Allah) should be a habit in every Muslim’s day-to-day affairs so they can talk to Allah consistently and build a healthy relationship with Him. Dua prayer is a believer’s...
L’amore di Allah è già instillato nei cuori dei nostri bambini, e in quanto genitori, abbiamo il compito di nutrirlo e sostenerlo. Dobbiamo insegnare ai nostri figli cosa è l’Islam, chi è il nostro Creatore,...
Die Liebe zu Allah ist bereits in den Herzen unserer Kinder verankert, und es ist unsere Aufgabe als Eltern, diese Liebe zu fördern und zu erhalten. Wir müssen unseren Kindern schon früh beibringen, was...
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The Religion of Islam is based upon Five Primary Foundations or Pillars. Just as a building or a bridge would lack stability without strong pillars, a Muslim's relationship with Allah, his God, would...
Is your child ready to learn about Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him? Do you want to introduce your child to his teachings and practices in a simple matter? This book is an excellent place to start...
Stories of the Coran give us hope and comfort, knowing that people in the past went through similar experiences and struggles that we go through. Stories of the Holy Quran teach us morals and ethics....
Is your child ready to learn about the Holy Quran? Do you want to ensure they will start with something simple? This book is ideal for building a solid knowledge base of the Holy Quran! Learning the...
In quanto genitori, dobbiamo crescere i nostri figli secondo la Fede Islamica. Per fare ciò, dobbiamo introdurgli il nostro amato Profeta Maometto La Pace Sia Su Di Lui, il modello da emulare e seguirea...
The Islamic Ritualized Prayer is one of the most important pillars of Islam and will be the first thing we’ll be questioned about on the Day of Judgement. It is our duty as parents to teach our kids about...
« La médecine, pour bien la connaître et bien l’exercer, il faut avoir au plus haut degré l’esprit d’observation et d’induction qui fait le fond de l’esprit scientifique. Il faut observer, et l’observation...
Ce livre présente l'histoire générale de l'île de la Réunion, de sa découverte à sa colonisation et son développement. L’île de la Réunion connut des débuts bien modestes. En 1638, un des premiers pionniers,...
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