Ver todos los libros de Cynthia Young

Cynthia Young - Libros y biografía

Cynthia lives in a rural area of Canada, Caledon, Ontario. She writes Creative Non-Fiction stories to share journeys of courage and resilience, blending records and keepsakes with social history to tell one version of her characters' lives. Inspired by the fortitude of past generations; Cynthia brings their history to life. She dedicates her writing to her children and grandchildren to awaken a connection to their roots. She enjoys the challenge of bringing native plants back into her garden. She published her first book in 2020 and plans to release her fourth novel this year.

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In the Shadow of Mount Royal: Growing Up in Montreal's Golden Age
Three years before Canada declared itself a nation, a young immigrant family brought their fourth child into the family. By 1861, over 90,000 people made their home in Montreal. The following years, up to the 1930s, became known as Montreal's Golden Age, solidifying its stature as... Más información

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