Professor Damon Centola is Director of the Network Dynamics Group at the University of Pennsylvania. He was previously at Harvard and MIT. His work has been published across several disciplines in the world's leading journals, including Science, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Human Behavior, The American Journal of Sociology, and Journal of Statistical Physics. His speaking and consulting clients include Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Cigna, the Smithsonian, the American Heart Association, the National Academies, the U.S. Army and the NBA. Popular accounts of Damon's work have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Wall Street Journal, Wired, TIME, The Atlantic, and Scientific American.
Basandosi su ricerche rigorose e su esempi coinvolgenti il volume offre al lettore un approccio scientifico nuovo in grado di cambiare il paradigma della nostra comprensione di come i cambiamenti sorgono e si affermano.Chiunque tenti di cambiare il modo in cui pensa e in cui vive...
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