Pantalla :
"The Wise Owl" is a heartwarming tale that teaches young readers about the importance of wisdom, listening, and helping others. Set in a serene forest, this story follows the journey of a wise old owl...
Join Chloe and Clara, two curious chickadee sisters, as they embark on delightful adventures in a magical forest. One day, they find a magical cookie that gives them fairy wings, leading them on a journey...
Embark on a whimsical journey with Timmy and his magical deer friend in "The Magic Deer: Timmy's Enchanted Forest Adventure. " When Timmy stumbles upon a mystical deer with sparkling antlers in a snowy...
Join Max and Mia, two courageous mice, as they embark on a heroic adventure to save their forest from a devastating fire. In "How Mice Saved the Forest: Max and Mia's Brave Adventure," discover how these...
Embark on a delightful journey with Percy, the curious partridge, in "The Partridge's Big Adventure: Percy's Quest for the Shiny Acorn." Join Percy as he explores the forest and meets new friends like...
Dive into the enchanting world of "The Forest King: Nutkin's Silly Adventure," where a playful squirrel named Nutkin dreams of becoming the king of the magical forest.With a tiny crown made of acorn caps,...
Step into the whimsical world of "The Three Brothers and the Mischievous Spirit: A Tale of Laughter and Friendship." In a cozy village, three brothers — Tom, Tim, and Harry — embark on a brave adventure...
Dive into the enchanting world of "Sparkle the Clumsy Unicorn: A Magical Tale of Perseverance and Joy," perfect for girls aged 3-5. In a vibrant meadow filled with rainbow flowers, meet Sparkle, the unicorn...
Join Anook, the brave little hunter, on a snowy adventure in "The Little Hunter: Anook's Snowy Adventure," perfect for children aged 3-5.In a cozy village surrounded by a vast forest, Anook decides to...
In the heart of the snowy wilderness, there's a legend about the powerful North Wind. Join little Anook and his friends, the bear cub and the rabbit, as they embark on a hilarious and heartwarming adventure...
Princess Poppy and the Ticklish Unicorn is a charming tale designed especially for girls aged 3-5.Join Princess Poppy as she embarks on a whimsical journey in the Candy Kingdom, meeting a ticklish unicorn...
Corporations have legal rights, and so do many other large-scale organizations. But what does it mean to ascribe rights and "personhood" to such entities, and what is the rationale for doing so? These...
Princess Lily and the Polka-Dot Dinosaur is an enchanting tale designed especially for girls aged 3-5.Join Princess Lily as she meets a tiny, adorable dinosaur named Rex and helps him find his fierce...
Princess Penny and the Cupcake-Loving Dragon is an enchanting tale designed especially for girls aged 3-5. Join Princess Penny as she meets a delightful purple dragon named Sprinkles, who loves cupcakes...
Princess Penelope and the Amazing Experiments is an enchanting tale designed especially for girls aged 3-5. Follow Princess Penelope, a curious and inventive princess, as she mixes potions and conducts...
Princess Iris and the Colorful Castle is a delightful digital storybook designed especially for girls aged 3-5. Follow Princess Iris, a vibrant and imaginative princess, as she transforms her grey castle...
The Silly Frog Princess is a charming story designed especially for girls aged 3-5, inspired by the beloved folkloric tale The Frog Princess. This delightful retelling adds a playful twist to the classic...
The Princess and the Silly Pea is a delightful story designed especially for girls aged 3-5, inspired by the timeless tale The Princess and the Pea by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen.Though rooted...
The Giggly Princess is a delightful story inspired by the folk tale The Princess Who Never Smiled, designed especially for girls aged 3-5. This enchanting tale follows Princess Greta, who never laughs,...
Join Ollie, the silliest young owl in the forest, on his journey to becoming the wisest of them all in "How Ollie the Owl Became Wise: A Silly and Smart Adventure for Kids."Ollie has a knack for flying...
Princess Melody: The Magical Singing Princess is a delightful fairy tale perfect for girls aged 3-5 who love princess stories.This enchanting book tells the story of Princess Melody, whose unique singing...
Join Sammy the Squirrel on a whimsical journey through a forest transformed by the magic of fall!Perfect for children aged 3-5, this delightful story captures the wonder of the changing seasons, making...
Explore the extraordinary relationships between humans and animals in stories that will captivate your imagination and warm your heart.Out of the Darkness and Other Animal Tails offers an incredible journey...
Learn tips and tricks for all new flies sure to catch carp!Carp are one of the most widely distributed and abundant fish in North America. Their prodigious size and habit of finning in shallow water make...
“A lively tour through the impulses that cause many of us to cheat, the book offers especially keen insights into the ways in which we cut corners while still thinking of ourselves as moral people.” — TimeDan...
"Dan Jenkins is a comic genius." -- Don Imus Made into a hilarious and timeless film starring Burt Reynolds, Kris Kristofferson, and Jill Clayburgh, and recently named number seven on Sports Illustrated's...
“Wonderfully follows in the tradition of A. A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh stories...Endearing...Will win over young readers in a heartbeat.” —Booklist (starred review) “Quirky and imaginative—postmodern...
The ultimate, no-nonsense guide to help you market your product, build buzz, and make more money than ever from marketing expert Dan S. Kennedy.Let’s face it—the business world today is nothing like it...
"Rogue Agent is an exceptional series debut..." Best Thrillers.This 'Agent' series opener follows Tom Wiseman's Criminal Investigative Division investigation into a missing UN Helicopter, as it spirals...
Ganduri frumoase pentru suflete curate!Unii aleg sa mearga pe carari batatorite de altii inaintea lor. Este calea usoara. Altii aleg sa-si faca propriul drum, mult mai greu, dar poate mai frumos. Mergi...
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