Darren Wilson is the CEO and founder of WP Films, a film/television production company that focuses on creating media that creatively and powerfully advances the kingdom of God. Millions of viewers worldwide have seen Darren’s films. Devon Franklin, VP of Production at Columbia Pictures, calls Darren “one of the most innovative filmmakers and authors of faith today.” Darren was recently named one of the “21 Emerging Leaders of Tomorrow’s Church” by
Charisma magazine.
Darren has also written two other books:
Filming God and
Finding God in the Bible. Both detail his spiritual journey. Darren lives with his wife, Jenell, and their three children in Greenville, South Carolina. Connect with Darren at wpfilm.com.
For many people, Christianity has become an institution of rules, duty, and potlucks. But for filmmaker Darren Wilson, his life of cultural Christianity changed radically when a powerful encounter with God led him to begin making films that attempted to display the God of the Bible...
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