David Levithan was not born in France, Milwaukee or Olympia, Washington. He did not go to Eton, Harvard Law School or Oxford University. He is not the author of War and Peace, Hollywood Wives: The New Generation or The Baby-sitters Club #8: Boy-crazy Stacey. He has not won the Newbery Medal, the Pulitzer Prize, the Bausch & Lomb Science Award or the race for eleventh-grade vice president. He currently does not live in Manhatten.
"Tienes que leerlo". RAINBOW ROWELL, autora de ELEANOR Y PARK
Craig y Harry tienen diecisiete años, un pasado en común y un objetivo actual: batir el récord del beso más largo de la historia. Y, de paso, demostrar que dos chicos besándose es algo completamente normal.
"Ese es el...
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