Pantalla :
By turns, an unsparing and joyous account of life in a postwar London rooming house by Doris Lessing, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2007. In 1949, Doris Lessing left her native Southern...
Across eighteen short stories, Lessing dissects London and its inhabitants with the power for truth and compassion to be expected of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2007. 'During that first year...
From the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Doris Lessing, a distinctive science fiction short story. Unknown observers send reports on a city that is threatened with destruction. They...
From the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Doris Lessing, a short story about a young woman’s attempts to juggle her political beliefs with everyday life. On the day that the newspapers...
From the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Doris Lessing, a short story about a young girl’s experience of growing up in an unnamed African country. A young white girl, growing up on...
From the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Doris Lessing, a short story about a woman’s gradual drift outside the limits of society. An old woman, with gipsy blood, begins to find the...
From the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Doris Lessing, a short story about a young boy’s coming of age. While on holiday with his mother, a young boy sees a group of older children...
The companion to a series of lectures given by Lessing, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, in which she addresses some of the most important questions facing us today. ‘This is a time...
From Doris Lessing, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, this is the second instalment in the visionary novel cycle ‘Canopus in Argos: Archives’. This is the story of the kindly Queen of...
Le Général Dann, que les lecteurs ont connu enfant avec sa sœur Mara sur un continent dévasté par une terrible sécheresse, est maintenant un leader respecté et écouté de tous, affrontant un monde glacial...
Faut-il qu’à chaque conflit de société notre esprit critique cède le pas à la frénésie générale ? Les partis politiques sont-ils condamnés à reproduire les mêmes schémas qui précipitent leur perte ? Devons-nous...
L’histoire de la famille Lennox couvre la majeure partie du XXe siècle en prenant pour pivot les années 60, décennie contradictoire et riche en affrontements. Les jeunes de cette époque, qui brisent les...
Une interminable période de sécheresse a décimé des populations entières, forçant les survivants à remonter vers le nord, là où se trouvent les dernières ressources en eau. C’est ainsi que commence l’odyssée...
A fascinating novel of love and ecology from the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.Doris Lessing returns to the world of visionary fiction, first visited in her Canopus in Argos quintet of novels...
From the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, a compelling account of her return to the land in which she grew up.In 1956, some seven years after departed for England, Doris Lessing returned home...
The second book in the Nobel Prize for Literature winner’s ‘Children of Violence’ series tracing the life of Martha Quest from her childhood in colonial Africa to old age in post-nuclear Britain.‘A Proper...
The opening book in the Nobel Prize for Literature winner’s ‘Children of Violence’ series tracing the life of Martha Quest from her childhood in colonial Africa to old age in post-nuclear Britain.When...
The fifth and final book in the Nobel Prize for Literature winner’s ‘Children of Violence’ series tracing the life of Martha Quest from her childhood in colonial Africa to old age in post-nuclear Britain.‘The...
« Je crois que la colère ramenée des tranchées par mon père s’est emparée de moi très tôt et ne m’a plus jamais quittée. Les enfants ressentent-ils les émotions de leurs parents ? La réponse est oui,...
Au terme de sa longue vie, Goethe affirmait qu’il venait tout juste d’apprendre à lire. Dans ce recueil des meilleurs essais de Doris Lessing, rassemblés pour la première fois, on retrouve la sagesse...
Ceci est l’histoire d’un monde qui pourrait être le nôtre. Depuis l’instant où apparaît la vie sur cette planète bleue, dans la moiteur des mares et des étangs, jusqu’au moment où le feu nucléaire menace...
The landmark novel of the Sixties – a powerful account of a woman searching for her personal, political and professional identity while facing rejection and betrayal. In 1950s London, novelist...
A visionary novel from Doris Lessing, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. It is sooner than you might think. And the Earth’s climate is much changed – it’s colder than ever before in the...
The Nobel Prize-winner Doris Lessing’s first novel is a taut and tragic portrayal of a crumbling marriage, set in South Africa during the years of Arpartheid. Doris Lessing brought the manuscript...
Londres, été 1939. James Reid, jeune homme rêveur et qui ne vit que par les livres, embarque pour l’Inde avec son régiment. Un voyage infernal, entre solitude, ennui et maladies, commence. Pourtant, lors...
The third book in the Nobel Prize for Literature winner’s ‘Children of Violence’ series tracing the life of Martha Quest from her childhood in colonial Africa to old age in post-nuclear Britain....
A compelling vision of a disorienting and barbaric future from Doris Lessing, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. Many years in the future, city life has broken down, communications have...
Doris Lessing, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, invites us to imagine a mythical society free from sexual intrigue, free from jealousy, free from petty rivalries: a society free from men....
Lorsque Klorathy se rend dans l’Empire volyen pour s’enquérir d’Incent, un émissaire de Canopus victime d’une attaque de Rhétorique, il y constate les ravages causés par la langue. En effet, dans ce coin...
La Terre, Shikasta, est l’enjeu de pouvoir entre trois civilisations galactiques très avancées : Canopus, Sirius et leur ennemie Puttiora. Mélangeant mythes, fables et allégories, Doris Lessing nous livre...
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