Pantalla :
Edgar Wallace's 'The Coat of Arms' is a captivating mystery novel that follows the investigation of a bizarre murder case in a small English village. Wallace's unique blend of suspense and intricate plot...
In 'Bones, Being Further Adventures,' Edgar Wallace weaves a thrilling tale of mystery and intrigue set in the backdrop of post-World War I England. The book follows the adventures of Superintendent Bones...
In the two thrilling novellas Planetoid 127 & The Sweizer Pump by Edgar Wallace, readers are transported to a world of mystery and intrigue. Wallace's writing style is characterized by its fast-paced...
Edgar Wallace's novel, Captains of Souls, is a thrilling tale of crime, mystery, and intrigue set in the gritty underworld of London. Wallace's fast-paced narrative style and vivid descriptions immerse...
In 'Bones of the River' by Edgar Wallace, the reader is transported to the exotic world of the African bush, where the protagonist, Inspector Wade, must solve a mysterious murder case involving the river...
In 'The Yellow Snake, or The Black Tenth' by Edgar Wallace, the reader is taken on a thrilling journey filled with mystery, intrigue, and suspense. Wallaces literary style in this novel is characterized...
In 'Again Sanders' by Edgar Wallace, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the criminal underworld of 1920s London. The book is a fine example of vintage detective fiction, filled with plot...
WHEN a young man is very much in love with a most attractive girl he is apt to endow her with qualities and virtues which no human being has ever possessed. Yet at rare and painful intervals there enter...
The room was a small one, and had been chosen for its remoteness from the dwelling rooms. It had formed the billiard room, which the former owner of Weald Lodge had added to his premises, and John Minute,...
THE day Mr. Reeder arrived at the Public Prosecutor's office was indeed a day of fate for Mr. Lambton Green, Branch Manager of the London Scottish and Midland Bank. That branch of the bank which Mr. Green...
"I don't know whether there's a law that stops my doing this, Jim; but if there is, you've got to get round it. You're a lawyer and you know the game. You're my pal and the best pal I've had, Jim, and...
Two bareheaded men came down the busy street, their hands thrust into their trousers pockets, their sleek, well-oiled heads bent in dejection. No word they spoke, keeping step with the stern precision...
Jack Oliver Tarling, eben aus China zurückgekommen, wird von Scotland Yard beauftragt, den Mord an Thornton Lyne, den Inhaber des Warenhauses Lyne, aufzuklären. Dabei verliebt er sich in die Hauptverdächtige...
At first glance J G Reeder is an ordinary, slightly shabby little man with red hair, weak eyes, whiskers, square-toed boots and a chest protector cravat. However, working for the Public Prosecutor he...
Detective JG Reeder and his attractive secretary, Margaret Belman, almost suffered the wrath of John Flack, an unusual villain who pairs maniacal insanity with genius. Detective and criminal are well...
OVER the grim stone archway was carved the words: PARCERE SUBJECTIS In cold weather, and employing the argot of his companions Johnny Gray translated this as "Parky Subjects"—it certainly had no significance...
The 4.15 from Victoria to Lewes had been held up at Three Bridges in consequence of a derailment and, though John Lexman was fortunate enough to catch a belated connection to Beston Tracey, the wagonette...
"Auf diese Weise trat Grahame St. Clay, Bachelor of Arts, in das Leben Stephen Narths ein, und von diesem Augenblick an war sein Geschick mit Stahlklammern an den Willen eines Mannes gebunden, der ihn...
Der selbsternannte Oberst Black steurt langsam aber sicher auf seinen Untergang zu. Zuviele Börsengeschäfte missrieten, zuviele Kontrahenden starben eines plötzlichen Todes. Und als sich die Vier Gerechten...
Nach sieben Jahren unschuldig im Gefängnis trifft Peter Dawlish abgebrannt in London ein. Er ist ganz unten, aber noch nicht am Ende. Durch Zufall fällt er einer Agentin von Scotland Yard auf, die ihm...
Il cavallo grigio e la mosca assassina, La melodia della morte e La maledizione del libro onnipotente. Dalla City piovigginosa ai Gran Premi Ippici fino alla Russia spietata degli zar, tre avvincenti...
Bones hat eine Erbschaft gemacht, quittiert den Dienst in Afrika und lässt sich in London nieder. Er ist immer noch derselbe Draufgänger und Schlaumeier. Sein Geld vermehrt sich dank seines Einfallreichtums....
You will never know from the perusal of the Blue Book the true inwardness of the happenings in the Ochori country in the spring of the year of Wish. Nor all the facts associated with the disappearance...
The hush of the court, which had been broken when the foreman of the jury returned their verdict, was intensified as the Judge, with a quick glance over his pince-nez at the tall prisoner, marshalled...
In seeking for omens, Natives consult the so-called science of omens or science of the five birds, and are guided by them. Selected omens are always included in native calendars or panch?ngams. To the...
Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer. Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, Wallace left school at 12. Joining the army at 21, he was a war correspondent during the Second Boer...
Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1 April 1875 – 10 February 1932) was an English writer Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, Wallace left school at 12. He joined the army at 21 and was a war...
Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1 April 1875 – 10 February 1932) was an English writer. Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, Wallace left school at 12. He joined the army at 21 and was a...
A man stood irresolutely before the imposing portals of Cainbury House, a large office building let out to numerous small tenants, and harbouring, as the indicator on the tiled wall of the vestibule testified,...
Louba ist ein Krimineller, der mehr Menschen ruiniert hat, als man sich denken könnte. Captain Hurley Brown ist hinter ihm her, weil er seinen Freund in den Selbstmord getrieben und seine Angebetete verführt...
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