Pantalla :
In Edgar Wallace's gripping novel 'The Four Just Men' published in 1920, the reader is plunged into a world of political intrigue and moral dilemmas. The book follows four vigilantes who take justice...
In 'Tam o' the Scoots' by Edgar Wallace, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the dangerous and mysterious world of the London underworld. Wallace's fast-paced narrative style and vivid descriptions...
Edgar Wallace's 'The Clue of the Twisted Candle' is a riveting mystery novel that follows the intricate investigation of a baffling murder case. With a gripping plot filled with unexpected twists and...
In Edgar Wallace's renowned novel, 'The Secret House,' readers are immersed in a tale of mystery and suspense set within the backdrop of early 20th-century England. The book showcases Wallace's signature...
UM RELATO FIEL E ÚNICO DE PORTUGAL ENQUANTO PIONEIRO DA GLOBALIZAÇÃO A posição geográfica de Portugal proporcionou as condições ideais para que se tornasse uma potência marítima, mas com uma população...
Pensar Barcelona. Ideologies d'una ciutat global estudia els fonaments ideològics que van redefinir Barcelona durant els anys vuitanta i van orientar la ciutat cap a l'actual economia del turisme, la...
Ni els dards no trobem sencers del tot a Màquina de dards, el primer conte de Treure's la feina de sobre. A alguns, els falta una ala; a d'altres, és la punxa que és guerxa; en els més masegats, de guerxo...
In Edgar Saltus' 'Mary Magdalen: A Chronicle,' the author delves into the historical and biblical figure of Mary Magdalene, exploring her life, relationships, and the impact she had on those around her....
Edgar Wallace's 'Again the Three Just Men' serves as a continuation of the thrilling saga of the iconic trio of vigilantes who work to uphold justice in a corrupt world. Wallace's fast-paced narrative...
In Edgar Wallace's 'The Calendar,' readers are immersed in a thrilling tale of mystery and suspense set in a small English village. The novel is skillfully written in a fast-paced and engaging style,...
Ambrose Sault finds a quasi-scientific way to insert his soul into another man's body before he is hanged for murder. The murder of Moropulos by Sault is a mystery in motive and deed. Twice a murderer,...
In Edgar Saltus' novel 'The Monster,' readers are taken on a dark and twisted journey through the life of the enigmatic protagonist, Felix Mosk. The book is a psychological thriller that delves into the...
Edgar Fawcett's novel 'The Adventures of a Widow' is a captivating exploration of post-Civil War America, delving into themes of love, loss, and societal expectations. Fawcett's literary style combines...
In Edgar Saltus' work 'The Paliser Case', readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the inner workings of a scandalous court case in late 19th century New York. Saltus employs a unique blend of...
Edgar Saltus' novel 'The Pace That Kills: A Chronicle' is a gritty portrayal of decadence, obsession, and moral decay in turn-of-the-century New York City. Written in a lurid and melodramatic style, Saltus...
The new managing director of Schemes Ltd. has an elegant London office and a theatrically dressed assistant. However Bones, as he is better known, is bored. Luckily there is a slump in the shipping market...
When Mr. Thomas Lyne, poet, poseur. and owner of Lyne's Emporium insults a cashier, Odette Rider, she resigns. Having summoned detective Jack Tarling to investigate another employee, Mr. Milburgh, Lyne...
Scandalous periodical "The Gossip's Corner" is run by a supposed blackmailer whose identity has baffled the police -- until T.B. Smith, a singlularly acute Assistant Commisioner, gradually tracks the...
This carefully crafted ebook: "True Crime Ultimate Collection: The Stories of Real Murders & Mysteries" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Edgar Wallace...
The classic comedy from Edgar Wallace. An office boy unexpectedly inherits the title of Marquis. As well as dealing with this unexpected elevation in his status, and learning how to behave as a member...
At first glance J G Reeder is an ordinary, slightly shabby little man with red hair, weak eyes, whiskers, square-toed boots and a chest protector cravat. However, working for the Public Prosecutor he...
Many years ago the Monrovian Government sent one Bosambo, a native of the Kroo coast and consequently a thief, to penal servitude for the term of his natural life. Bosambo, who had other views on the...
Commissioner Sanders is called upon by the British Government "to keep a watchful eye upon some quarter of a million cannibal folk, who ten years before had regarded white men as we regard the unicorn."...
The Daffodil Mystery Edgar Wallace - When Mr. Thomas Lyne, poet, poseur. and owner of Lynes Emporium insults a cashier, Odette Rider, she resigns. Having summoned detective Jack Tarling to investigate...
Scotland Yard is chasing the frog with the mask, the leader of a criminal organization that holds the whole of London in his grasp. Nobody ever saw the frog. One tracks him downbut he has to pay for it.
This carefully crafted ebook: "The Complete Works of Edgar Wallace" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Contents: Edgar Wallace — Each Way (Biography) Screenplay:...
The Angel of Terror Edgar Wallace - Angelically beautiful Jean Briggerland is a sociopathic criminal, so lovely that none can see her guilt -- even in connection with the most blatant crimes! Can Jack...
'The Urbane T.X. is back in this locked-room mystery by British master storyteller Edgar Wallace. The renowned mystery writer John Lexman is charged with murder and sent to prison. His friend T.X. Meredith,...
The Clue of the Twisted Candle Edgar Wallace - The Clue of the Twisted Candle is a 1918 crime novel by the British writer Edgar Wallace.In this tale, John Lexman, a renowned mystery writer, is drawn into...
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