Pantalla :
Edgar Wallace's 'Jack O' Judgment' is a riveting crime thriller that follows the mysterious vigilante known as Jack O' Judgment as he pursues justice against corrupt officials and criminals. Wallace's...
In Edgar Saltus' 'Oscar Wilde: An Idler's Impression', readers are presented with a unique perspective on the life and works of the enigmatic writer, Oscar Wilde. Saltus delves into Wilde's persona as...
In 'The Black Avons IV - Europe in the Melting Pot' by Edgar Wallace, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through Europe during a tumultuous time of political unrest and social change. Wallace's...
Edgar Wallace's 'Barbara on Her Own' is a gripping novel that delves into the complexities of wealth, power, and societal expectations during the early 20th century. Through his vivid and descriptive...
In 'Penelope of the Polyantha', Edgar Wallace delves into the world of mystery and suspense with an intricate plot that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The novel, written in Wallace's signature...
In Edgar Wallace's 'The River of Stars', readers are taken on a journey through a mysterious and enchanting world filled with intertwining stories of love, betrayal, and redemption. The novel's intricate...
In 'The Book of All-Power' by Edgar Wallace, readers are immersed in a thrilling world of action and intrigue as the protagonist grapples with the power of a mysterious artifact. Wallace's fast-paced...
Edgar Wallace's 'Bones in London' is a captivating mystery novel set in the bustling streets of 1920s London. The story follows the adventures of Chief Inspector Laverick and his sidekick, Walter How,...
In 'The Standard History of the War, Vol. II' by Edgar Wallace, readers are taken on a comprehensive journey through the events of the war, meticulously documented with a scholarly approach to detail....
In Edgar Wallace's novel 'The Nine Bears', readers are transported into a thrilling adventure filled with suspense, mystery, and unexpected twists. The story follows a group of detectives tasked with...
In Edgar Wallace's novel, 'The Just Men of Cordova,' readers are transported to the tumultuous world of early 20th century Europe, filled with political intrigue and mystery. The book follows a group...
In 'Educated Evans' by Edgar Wallace, readers are drawn into a world of mystery and intrigue as they follow the clever and resourceful protagonist, Educated Evans, through a series of gripping adventures....
In 'The Truth About Tristrem Varick' written by Edgar Saltus, readers are drawn into a mesmerizing exploration of dark secrets, hidden desires, and shocking revelations. Saltus' intricate prose style,...
Edgar Wallace's 'The Green Rust' is a gripping and thrilling detective novel that delves into the world of industrial sabotage and espionage. Set in a post-World War I England, the narrative is filled...
Edgar Wallace's 'We Shall See!' is a gripping and suspenseful mystery novel that delves into the complexities of human nature and the pursuit of justice. Set in the early 20th century, the book follows...
Edgar Wallace's novel 'The Lady Called Nita' is a gripping tale of mystery and intrigue set against the backdrop of 1920s London. The narrative is skillfully woven with suspenseful twists and turns, keeping...
In Edgar Wallace's 'The Road to London,' readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the criminal underworld of early 20th century England. The book is a gripping mystery novel filled with unexpected...
Edgar Wallace's novel, 'The Face in the Night,' is a gripping mystery that delves into the darker side of human nature. Set in the seedy underbelly of London, the book follows a detective as he unravels...
In Edgar Wallace's 'When the Gangs Came to London', the reader is immersed into a thrilling tale of crime and danger set in the bustling streets of London. Wallace's vivid descriptions and captivating...
Edgar Wallace's novel 'Kate Plus Ten' is a thrilling mystery that follows the story of a group of criminals led by the charming and cunning Kate. The book is filled with suspense, unexpected plot twists,...
In his seminal work, 'The Philosophy of Disenchantment', Edgar Saltus explores the concept of disillusionment and its impact on the human experience. Through a series of philosophical musings and historical...
In the gripping thriller 'White Face' by Edgar Wallace, readers are taken on a suspenseful journey through the seedy underbelly of London in the early 20th century. Wallace's writing style is fast-paced...
In 'Mr. Justice Maxell,' Edgar Wallace showcases his classic crime fiction style through a gripping narrative that delves into the world of legal drama and moral ambiguities. The novel follows the story...
In 'The Stretelli Case and Other Mystery Stories' by Edgar Wallace, readers are transported to the thrilling world of detective fiction. Wallace's masterful storytelling is evident through his intricate...
In 'The Day of Uniting' by Edgar Wallace, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through a complex web of political intrigue and espionage. Set against the backdrop of a post-war society, the book showcases...
In 'The Black Avons III - From Waterloo to the Mutiny', Edgar Wallace navigates through turbulent historical events from the Battle of Waterloo to the Indian Mutiny in his signature gripping style. The...
Edgar Wallace's gripping novel, 'The Terrible People', delves into the dark underworld of crime and suspense. Set in a menacing backdrop of deceit and treachery, the book follows the protagonist as he...
In "The Standard History of the War, Vol. I" by Edgar Wallace, readers are treated to a comprehensive account of the war from a unique perspective. Wallace's literary style is characterized by a detailed...
Edgar Wallace's 'Writ in Barracks' is a gripping collection of military tales set in the early 20th century. Written in Wallace's trademark fast-paced and entertaining style, the stories explore themes...
The Green Rust by Edgar Wallace is a gripping thriller that delves into the world of international espionage and a plot to unleash a deadly biological weapon. Wallace's writing style is fast-paced and...
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