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Four Square Jane is a one of the best known thriller novels by the British writer Edgar Wallace. Jane is a kind of an anti-heroine. She is an extremely clever thief and she always marks the scenes of...
This carefully crafted ebook: "The Green Ribbon (A Classic British Mystery)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer....
This carefully crafted ebook: "P.-C. Lee: Complete Collection of Detective 24 Stories" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. In 1909 Edgar Wallace wrote 24 short...
This carefully crafted ebook: "The Ringer & Again the Ringer: The Complete Collection of 18 Thriller Classics" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Table...
Edgar Wallace's 'Captains of Souls' is a thrilling crime novel that delves into the intricate web of organized crime in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of notorious gang leaders who...
In Edgar Wallace's 'The Green Rust', readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the world of espionage, science, and mystery. Set in a post-World War I England, the novel follows the investigation...
In 'Bones of the River' by Edgar Wallace, the reader is immersed in a world of mystery and adventure set along the River Thames. Wallace's writing style is characterized by a fast-paced narrative with...
Edgar Wallace's novel, The Clue of the Twisted Candle, is a captivating mystery filled with suspense and intrigue. Set in the early 20th century, this book follows the story of a wealthy industrialist...
In 'The Keepers of the King's Peace' by Edgar Wallace, the reader is transported into a thrilling mystery set against the backdrop of British colonialism. Wallace's narrative style presents a perfect...
In 'The Ringer' & 'Again the Ringer: The Complete Collection of 18 Thriller Classics' by Edgar Wallace, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through a collection of gripping tales filled with...
Edgar Wallace's novel 'The Flying Fifty-Five' is a thrilling adventure set in the world of motor racing in the early 20th century. The story follows the daring exploits of a group of elite drivers who...
Edgar Wallace's 'Tam o' the Scoots' is a thrilling and captivating novel that delves into the criminal underworld of London. The narrative follows a cunning and mysterious character known as Tam o' the...
Edgar Wallace's 'The Green Archer' is a thrilling mystery novel that expertly combines elements of adventure, suspense, and crime. Set in a manor house in the English countryside, the story follows the...
Edgar Fawcett's novel 'An Ambitious Woman' is a captivating exploration of gender roles and societal expectations in late 19th-century America. The book follows the story of a young woman named Eleanor...
Edgar Saltus' novel, 'Mr. Incoul's Misadventure' is a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and revenge set in the opulent Gilded Age of America. The book's prose is rich and decadent, reflecting the extravagant...
Edgar Wallace's 'The Complete Detective Sgt. Elk Series' is a compilation of six thrilling novels that follow the investigations of Detective Sergeant Elk as he solves perplexing mysteries in early 20th-century...
Edgar Wallace's 'Jack O' Judgment' is a gripping mystery novel that follows the trail of a vigilante known as Jack O' Judgment who metes out his own form of justice on those he deems guilty. Written in...
Au moment de l'écriture de ce texte Napoléon III vient de lancer la campagne du Mexique. Décidée pour des raisons politiques et financières, celle-ci devait s'achever six ans plus tard par un pitoyable...
Mickey Knapp ist ein überzeugter Narzisst, ein mieser Bully und aufgrund eines durch seine Blödheit verschuldeten Unfalls ein toter aber immer noch quicklebendig nervender Zombie. Und Mickey fühlt sich...
Edgar Wallace's 'Flat 2' is a gripping mystery novel that delves into the darker side of human nature. Set in early 20th century London, the book follows the investigation of a brutal murder in a rundown...
Edgar Wallace's novel 'The Gaunt Stranger' is a gripping and atmospheric thriller that combines elements of mystery, crime, and suspense. Set in London during the 1920s, the book follows the journey of...
Edgar Wallace's 'The Man at the Carlton' is a gripping mystery novel that follows the story of a wealthy businessman who mysteriously disappears from the luxurious Carlton Hotel. The book is set in the...
In Edgar Wallace's gripping novel 'The Man Who Was Nobody,' the reader is taken on a thrilling journey through the dark underworld of crime and deception. Written in Wallace's trademark suspenseful style,...
In 'Killer Kay' by Edgar Wallace, the reader is taken on a thrilling journey through the underworld of London in the 1920s. The book is a classic crime novel that features a complex web of murder, deceit,...
In Edgar Wallace's novel 'The Fourth Plague,' readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the criminal underworld of London. Wallace's writing style is captivating and suspenseful, with vivid descriptions...
In Edgar Wallace's 'The Hand of Power', readers are immersed in a thrilling tale of mystery and deception set in the backdrop of early 20th century England. The book showcases Wallace's signature fast-paced...
In 'The Lady of Little Hell and Other Stories' by Edgar Wallace, readers are transported to a world of mystery, crime, and suspense. Wallace's skilled storytelling and vivid descriptions create a compelling...
Edgar Wallace's novel, 'The Ghost of Down Hill/The Queen of Sheba's Belt', is a suspenseful tale that seamlessly weaves together elements of the supernatural and crime fiction. Set in a small English...
In the thrilling adventure novel, 'The Tomb of Ts'in' by Edgar Wallace, readers are transported to the exotic landscapes of China as they follow the protagonist on a quest to uncover ancient secrets....
In 'The Lady of Ascot' by Edgar Wallace, the reader is taken on a thrilling journey of mystery and suspense set in the backdrop of English high society. Wallace's attention to detail and intricate plot...
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