Pantalla :
Halley's Comet by Edgar Wallace is an enthralling adventure that blends mystery, science, and the awe-inspiring wonders of the cosmos. Set against the backdrop of the famous comet's spectacular appearance,...
The Angel Child by Edgar Wallace is a captivating mystery that delves into the life of a seemingly innocent child with a dark and haunting secret. When young Mary, known for her angelic demeanor, arrives...
The Destroyer by Edgar Wallace is a thrilling narrative that explores the dark side of power and ambition. Set against the backdrop of a city on the brink of chaos, the story follows a mysterious figure...
The Black Grippe by Edgar Wallace is a dark and compelling tale of mystery, fear, and the invisible menace that strikes a city without warning. When a deadly epidemic known as the "Black Grippe" sweeps...
El retorn d'Edgar Cantero: una novel·la negra amb un toc fantàstic i molt d'humor que parla dels oprimits, els rebels i els brots verds entre l'asfalt.Tres entrepreneurs visiten un xalet en una urbanització...
Fluff Willington of Berysted, Dorking by Edgar Wallace is a delightful and witty tale of small-town charm and unexpected adventures. Fluff Willington, a quirky and endearing character, leads a seemingly...
Lord Exenham Creates a Sensation by Edgar Wallace is a masterful blend of suspense, drama, and high-stakes intrigue. Set in the opulent world of British aristocracy, the story follows Lord Exenham, a...
The Clue of the Twisted Candle by Edgar Wallace is a masterful blend of mystery and suspense that will keep you guessing until the very end. When a wealthy recluse is found dead in a locked room, the...
L'obra del filòsof francès Claude Lefort (1924-2010) és una de les més originals i emergents de l'actual panorama polític internacional. Deixeble de Maurice Merleau Ponty i proper al pensament d'autors...
Edgar Wallace (1875-1932)"Cet homme se nommait Harry Stone (on l’appelait aussi Harry le Larbin) ; il était détective.Du moins il le fut jusqu’au jour où l’on s’aperçut qu’il ne l’était pas. La chose...
Edgar Wallace (1875-1932)"– Monsieur, vous avez laissé tomber une fleur ! dit le gardien.James Sepping, à qui s’adressaient ces mots, rougit légèrement et regarda d’un air un peu confus les trois violettes...
The Crimson Circle gang spreads fear by extortion and murder. Its members range from rich, powerful bankers to petty criminals, and none of them know each other. A beautiful young woman named Thalia Drummond...
The Book of All Power by Edgar Wallace is set in London at the beginning, and then the action moves to Russia. The story covers the period from 1910 to 1919 during which the Russian Revolution takes place...
Introduction. — Deux systèmes : un Dieu mort, un Dieu vivant. — Principe de la critique littéraire : rapports des littératures et des institutions religieuses. — Aperçus du sujet. — Pourquoi la révolution...
— Tiens, tu vois ce navire ? — Je le vois. — Il entre dans le port. — Il entre dans, le port. — Tu le vois bien ? — Té ! Je le vois si bien, mon bon, qu’il a sur son avant un petit Neptune avec son trident....
Beautiful Jean Briggerland is the epitome of evilness in this twisting and turning thriller. She plots many different ways to steal her new victim's riches including lies and murder. Only Jack Glover...
A millionaire is taken suddenly ill, and sensing his mortality, he asks his attorney to do him one last favor—to find and secretly watch over his missing niece, the daughter of his profligate deceased...
Edgar Wallace, perhaps best known for creating King Kong, wrote dozens of novels. The Green Rust, his twelfth crime novel, is one of three books he published in 1919. It begins at the English home of...
Le célèbre philosophe Candès, esprit éminemment observateur, prédit, dès le jour de la naissance de Jean dans la bonne ville de Marseille, que cet enfant aurait le naturel aventureux et batailleur. Il...
A tous ceux qui nous demanderont la cause première à laquelle il faut attribuer les désastres et l’abaissement de la France, je répondrai, — au risque de faire jeter les hauts cris, — par ces trois mots...
Il y a bien longtemps, un riche et joyeux seigneur, appelé le baron de Pierrefitte, voulait que tous ceux qui l’entouraient fussent heureux et gais comme lui.A cet effet, il prodiguait l’argent à pleines...
The world is full of Black heroes whose talent, strength and vision should inspire us all. From sporting greats and pioneering writers to world leaders, this collection showcases empowering quotes and...
This trusted handbook for nonprofit board service is newly revised and includes new case studies and even more tips and ideas from the trenches of nonprofit board work. Doing Good Better is approachable...
Live life in colour Throughout history, inspirational people of colour have fought against all odds for the right to be their unique selves. This collection of wise words from amazing icons is here to...
Un roman à découvrir dans une édition spécialement adaptée aux lecteurs dyslexiques. Été 1942. Sacha, douze ans, et Jacob, son petit frère, sont à la fois surpris et très contents de partir en vacances...
L’éducation corporelle demeure réduite — le plus souvent — au développement de la force musculaire, revêt des préoccupations hygiéniques et prophylactiques, ou vise à la satisfaction d’aspirations morales...
Elle n'est plus tellement jeune, ma cousine, la quarantaine largement dépassée. L'alcool a ravagé son beau visage parsemé de taches de rousseur. Ses longs cheveux acajou, à l'odeur qui m'étourdissait...
In the short story "210 Days: Tapestry of Time," we embark on a poignant journey through the lives of Scott, a socially anxious and intellectually gifted teenager, and Anastasia, a mysterious girl who...
"The Ballads of the Hummingbird" is an evocative collection of 12 poems that delve deeply into the themes of love and unrequited affection, with a poignant piece on the struggles of anxiety. This chapbook...
In the quiet moments of a fading crimson sunset, Eli finds himself at a crossroads between love lost and a future yet to be written. For years, he has waited—hopelessly in love with a woman whose heart...
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