Pantalla :
Midnight Carnival is a spellbinding collection of short stories, each unfolding within the magical confines of a carnival that appears without warning and vanishes with the dawn.This enchanted carnival...
Step into the Midnight Carnival, a magical place that transcends time and space, offering wonders beyond imagination. From its humble beginnings, this traveling spectacle transforms into a mystical entity...
"Beyond Absurdity," a die-hard flat earther and conspiracy theorist is abducted by aliens of ever-increasing absurdity and is forced to participate in an intergalactic game show. Along with other contestants,...
In the ancient world of Mesopotamia, Damu embarks on a timeless journey.As the first vampire, his existence defies divine laws.Loneliness, power, and the thirst for blood define his path through the annals...
The Hunt: Into the Frost thrusts six contestants into the harsh, unforgiving wilderness of the Antarctic. Each must rely on instinct, battling the bitter cold, dangerous predators, and relentless hunters...
In an alternate reality, the insurrection led by former President Donald Trump succeeds, plunging America into chaos and shattering its democracy.As the new regime tightens its grip on power, a diverse...
"The Garden Gnome" is a chilling tale that delves into the twisted depths of a cursed garden and the malevolent forces that reside within.This psychological horror story follows John, a passionate gardener...
K'pria was an alien scientist, Leif was a brilliant Human engineer.They met while working together on the same project, and despite their different backgrounds, they found a deep connection and fell in...
In the realm of Elysiuma, a gender-fluid and androgynous protagonist emerges as a guiding light, leading the realm towards peace, unity, and prosperity.Through their wise and compassionate rule, they...
"Requiem: Shadow and Light" is an epic tale set in a bloodstained world haunted by darkness and supernatural forces.Follow the relentless hero, Requiem, as he embarks on a perilous odyssey filled with...
In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a deadly virus, Sarah and a group of survivors strives to rebuild their lives amidst the ruins.As they face the challenges of resource acquisition, interpersonal...
"Wild Inferno" is a survival game show that takes place across different planets in the galaxy.Six contestants compete in various challenges and tasks to earn immunity from elimination and eventually...
In a secret laboratory, a bunny undergoes experiments that turn him into a humanoid creature with extraordinary abilities.After escaping, he discovers the value of helping others and works to protect...
In this captivating tale of redemption, Gabriel Hawke, a once-deceitful televangelist, finds himself at the precipice of salvation and damnation.His journey from a life of greed, exploitation, and falsehood...
In the puppet-inhabited world of Liberty Kingdom, nothing is as it seems. Behind the cheerful parades, patriotic slogans, and the smiling face of President Fluff lies a dark secret. The kingdom is controlled...
When the sun sets, secrets awaken.Jack Monroe, the voice of Confessions After Midnight, guides his listeners through the mysteries and confessions that come alive in the dead of night. But when a cryptic...
Catalyst of ShadowsIn a world where vampires and humans have coexisted for over two decades, the fragile balance is about to be tested. Dr. Isla Crowe, a brilliant geneticist, is thrust into the hidden...
In a world where ancient myths intertwine with modern life, Medusa's story is one of transformation, redemption, and enduring love. Cursed by Athena for a crime she didn't commit, Medusa has spent centuries...
The Silent Cage transports readers to a future where society is shaped by constant surveillance, mandatory service, and subtle control. Jaxon, a man caught in the grip of a highly structured world, finds...
In a future society driven by a balance between technology, environmental sustainability, and collective responsibility, an android named Unit-46 is tasked with maintaining a pristine eco-cluster. Designed...
Mara Leston had everything to live for—until her sixteenth birthday party ended in bloodshed, with her family and friends brutally murdered before her eyes. Mara herself didn't escape that night. But...
When Kaelith, a young man grappling with his mysterious celestial powers, encounters the dark warlord Malachor, his life takes a perilous turn. Set against the backdrop of a modern, urban landscape, this...
Delve into the intriguing realms of "Afterlife," a collection of thought-provoking short stories that explore the myriad possibilities beyond death. This anthology invites readers to contemplate themes...
In The Rift, the crew of an advanced exploratory vessel embarks on a groundbreaking mission beyond the known universe. After unlocking the mysteries of ancient alien technology, they cross through a rift...
In a universe teeming with life, the origins of creation have long been shrouded in mystery. "The Seed" delves into the unknown, following the discovery of an ancient alien ship—an enigmatic biological...
This compelling anthology explores a futuristic society where harmony and technology intertwine with human experience, presenting a series of vivid short stories that delve into the lives of its citizens....
In a world transformed by technological advances, global unity, and societal reform, humanity stands at a crossroads. Flickers of the Future delves into a future where AI influences major decisions, resources...
In a world where ancient legends intertwine with modern reality, Benjamin Gray grapples with an extraordinary legacy that binds him to both his Native American and European ancestry. As he navigates his...
Kaelith, a being born from the forbidden union of an angel and a demon, finds himself in a world where he does not belong. Raised in the mortal realm, he possesses unique abilities to manipulate light...
In a world where technology has surpassed the boundaries of human limitations, The Future Unbound explores the consequences of innovation taken to its extremes. From digital immortality to instant mind-to-mind...
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