Ellie Darkins spent her formative years devouring romance novels, and after completing her English degree she decided to make a living from her love of books. As a writer and editor her work now entails dreaming up romantic proposals, hot dates with alpha males and trips to the past with dashing heroes. When she’s not working she can usually be found at her local library or out for a run. You can visit her blog at elliedarkins.com
Il était l’homme le plus séduisant qu’elle ait vu de sa vie. Et, pour une nuit, il serait son amant. Sous le charme de Giovanni, Hailey s’offre dans ses bras une nuit de pur plaisir. Une nuit sans lendemain. Car tous deux le savent : malgré le désir qui les rapproche, ils n’appartiennent...
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