Emiko Jean is the author of Tokyo Ever After, Empress of all Seasons, and We'll Never be Apart. When Emiko is not writing, she is reading. Most of her friends are imaginary. Before she became a writer she was an entomologist (fancy name for bug catcher), a candle maker, a florist, and most recently a teacher. She lives in Washington with her husband and children (unruly twins). She loves the rain. You may find her at emikojean.com or on Instagram at emikojeanbooks.
Izzy tiene una vida normal hasta que un día descubre que es... ¡la princesa heredera de Japón!Izumi Tanaka siempre se ha sentido fuera de lugar -realmente no es fácil ser una chica americana de origen japonés en el pueblecito más remoto de Carolina del Norte-. Izumi, Izzy, ha crecido...
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