Ver todos los libros de Emma Darcy

Emma Darcy - Libros y biografía

Initially a French/English teacher, Emma Darcy changed careers to computer programming before the happy demands of marriage and motherhood. Very much a people person, and always interested in relationships, she finds the world of romance fiction a thrilling one and the challenge of creating her own cast of characters very addictive.

L'amour en héritage

Kings of the Outback

Outback Knights


9 to 5


Latin Lovers

The Australians

The Kings of Australia

At His Service

Secrets australiens

The Legendary Finn Brothers

Italian Husbands

Surrender to the Sheikh


Libro de Autor


Ómnibus Geral

Ómnibus Bianca

Omnibus Miniserie


Harlequin Jessica Especial

Harlequin Jessica



Harlequin Jessica Clássicos

Harlequin Coleção Belas e Feras

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