My name is Eric Hawrylak, I am 34 years old and I have always been a lover of great stories. Even as a child, I could lose myself for hours in fantastical worlds, experiencing adventures alongside the heroes of my dreams. This vivid imagination has stayed with me, continually inspiring me to create my own stories.
Some time ago, I decided not to keep my ideas just in my head but to write them down and share them with others. With great passion and dedication, I bring my characters and worlds to life on paper, hoping they bring my readers as much joy as they do me.
Although I am still new to the craft, I feel ready to take readers on my imaginative journeys. I am excited to share my stories with you and hope they bring you as much enjoyment as I had while writing them.
In einem kleinen friedlichen Dorf, beginnt das Abenteuer zweier ungleicher Freunde.
Gronak, ein tapferer Krieger mit einem großen Herzen und Fiona, eine kluge und talentierte Magierin.
Als eine dunkle Vorhersage das Dorf erreicht und eine bedrohliche Gefahr im Norden aufzieht, müssen...
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