Pantalla :
A thought-provoking, dystopian romantic novelette.Caleb lost his soulmate, Valerie. Could it be possible to find her in a parallel universe? If his father succeeds to open the portal, will he find the...
A story a day for every day of the week. The 7 stories in this book are available separately as well.The Ghost of Prince AkhmoseMessengerThe PotionBittersweet MemoriesThe Worthless PaintingAloneFake it...
Young Adult supernatural fantasyA love potion made with haste out of jealousy puts Dorian into a comalike state. A rare orchid that blooms only once a year could save his life, but the precious flowers...
Ilona resigns to live the simple life of a small-town doctor, but her life goes into a tailspin on her birthday. She finds out she was born into a secretive, ancient clan still hidden among us.She starts...
The Sacred Sword chose her, the Sacred Falcon will protect her.Ilona's birth had been foretold 1600 years ago by the Seer of an ancient clan that still exists hidden among us with obscure traditions and...
Illustrated storybook for preschoolers and early readers.Pierre's beauty was praised all the time, and the pretty peacock became arrogant. He looked down on others and treated everyone terribly. He believed...
Nancy arrives home from a long day at work. She kicks off her high heels and walks into the kitchen. Bruce lights the candles on the dinner table and embraces her in a warm hug. Her two girls, ages five...
A powerful curse was cast thousands of years ago by the Grand Vizier.Tanakhmet cursed Prince Akhmose to never enter the Field of Reeds, the heavenly paradise. Why did he want him to linger as a restless...
Romantikus történet.Elenát születése napján hajléktalan, drogfüggő, és kilátástalan jövőjét világosan látó anyja, a Szent Patrik katedrális lépcsőin hagyta rongyokba burkolva. Elena gyermekkora az egyik...
Illustrated storybook for children 4-12Bianca and her best friend, Daniel, grew up together under the watchful eyes of Peanut, Bianca's St. Bernard. The huge dog was their babysitter, playmate, and bodyguard....
When Danielle finally quits her boring accountant job and opens an Antiques & Stuff store, her life changes for the better. But soon, her happy life starts to spin out of control when the snobbish...
The Hunor legend lives on in book two as Ilona continues to seek out ways to develop her unusual powers while practicing as a small-town doctor.The spirits of the clan come to Ilona's aid with answers...
The perfect Valentine's Day gift!AS FEATURED IN THE SUNEverything you need to know to have the best sex according to your star sign.Next time you have sex, you'll be seeing stars...Harness the power of...
Raising a girl in today's world is more complicated than ever. How do you help your daughter navigate through her world of school cliques, confusing media messages, and pressures to be a "good girl"?...
Empregados domésticos, quais são seus direitos? responde aos seguintes questionamentos: quem trabalha três vezes por semana é empregado doméstico ou diarista? Quais os direitos trabalhistas assegurados...
O livro CRIMES DIGITAIS IMPRÓPRIOS: Uma abordagem Constitucional e crítica diante da violação de direitos alheios; insegurança na legislação vigente e a (falta de) interpretação de texto no âmbito digital...
Mulheres em Campo lança um novo olhar sobre a história do futebol feminino, especialmente ao papel do jornalismo na construção dessa modalidade, que é um fenômeno não só esportivo, mas também midiático,...
A Série Universitária foi desenvolvida pelo Senac São Paulo com o intuito de preparar profissionais para o mercado de trabalho. Os títulos abrangem diversas áreas, abordando desde conhecimentos teóricos...
A presente pesquisa centraliza-se na reflexão sobre a oralidade/fala dos alunos na alfabetização, visando contribuir com as discussões acerca dessa temática ao analisar atividades presentes nos livros...
O trabalho escravo contemporâneo (TEC) está inserido nas relações de trabalho entre as organizações e os trabalhadores, envolvendo práticas como: o cerceamento da liberdade, as condições degradantes de...
Dieses Buch führt die Leser in die Werkstatt Gottes. Dort finden sie Wegweiser zur Bewusstwerdung der kostbaren Selbstheilungskräfte. Die Lebensweisen, Krankheitsursachen und Heilenergiequellen sind klar...
Somos bombardeados por milhares de orientações para pais e mães todos os dias, principalmente pela internet, mas você sabia que nem todas são validadas ou realmente protegem o desenvolvimento psicológico...
"Cyber-bullying can be worse than being picked on in school. Like when a girl tries real hard to make me feel bad about myself. Doesn't she know how much that hurts?"—Tanya, 13"I don't know any girls...
Boys - who can figure them out? Do they like you or not? Why are they mean when their friends are around and nice when they're by themselves? What's the deal?If you don't have the slightest idea - you're...
Belleville, dans les années 90 : chez Grand-Maman dans la cité HLM de la rue Piat, Naëlle porte des robes à col Claudine, apprend qu'il faut dire "les intempéries" et non "un temps de merde", s'arrête...
Cos’è il process drama? Quali sono le potenzialità e le opportunità della glottodidattica teatrale? Il volume si propone come un manuale teorico-pratico pensato per guidare i lettori e le lettrici alla...
Der Architekt Thomas bezieht mit seiner Frau Katharina ein kleines Bauernhaus in der Vulkaneifel. Die ersten Begegnungen in diesem Dorf auf der Hoehe finden mit einem alten Bauern statt, der nur auf die...
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